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Regular Session Commission County Court

Giles County Courthouse 1 Public Square, Pulaski, TN, United States

The Commission meets in Chancery Court on the second floor of the Giles County Courthouse; meetings are open to the public.  Agenda and pertinent documents will be posted below within 48-hours of the meeting. Upon conclusion of Commission meetings, all associated meeting documents are available through the Clerk’s office. Amended Agenda Agenda Documents Revenue-Sharing Resolution

Regular Session Commission County Court

Giles County Courthouse 1 Public Square, Pulaski, TN, United States

The Commission meets in Chancery Court on the second floor of the Giles County Courthouse; meetings are open to the public.  Agenda and pertinent documents will be posted below within 48-hours of the meeting. Upon conclusion of Commission meetings, all associated meeting documents are available through the Clerk’s office.