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Giles County Regional Planning Commission

An overview of the duties and responsibilities of a county Regional Planning Commission (RPC) may be found here.  Regular monthly meetings of the RPC may be found on the county calendar.

The unincorporated areas of Giles County are not subject to zoning regulations.  There are, however, regulations regarding floodplain development, which is only enforced in the 100-year floodplains as identified by FEMA.  Giles County OEM partners with the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, the National Flood Insurance Program and the Tennessee Association of Floodplain Management, and shares this information with homeowners, builders, developers, planners and property owners.

If/when land in unincorporated areas of the county is to be subdivided, then the Giles County Subdivision Standards must be followed.    The purpose of subdivision standards is to serve the best (and sometimes competing) interests of community, homeowners, and developers with clear roles and responsibilities in project development.  Community objectives must not transgress private property rights; meanwhile local government is responsible for mitigating community hazards and maintaining public infrastructure.

Property located with the city limits of Ardmore, Elkton, Minor Hill, Lynnville and Pulaski are not regulated by the County.  Property owners within city limits must comply with city codes and regulations.

While Giles County has no countywide zoning, property owners in unincorporated areas of the county remain subject to any deed restrictions, along with all applicable state and federal regulations, e.g. construction of towers, septic tanks, airfields, agricultural projects, etc.

If you have questions regarding building permits please contact the County Clerk.