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Property and Building Committee Meeting Minutes – August 27, 2024 (Unapproved)

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27 AUGUST 2024

The Chair Commissioner Tracy Wilburn opened the meeting asking for approval of the 11 July 2024 minutes.  Prayer and pledge had been offered in same day previous meeting.  The minutes were moved for approval by Commissioner Gayle Jones, seconded by Commissioner Evan Baddour, and were approved unanimously.  County Executive (CE) Graham Stowe noted he had no announcements at this time. 

First Agenda Item – Discuss state grant proposal to construct emergency storage building.  The CE noted that the state had reviewed possible site proposals and, given size of 80’x120’ structure, had focused on two sites.  The preferred site is located near the Flat Rock Cheese building and at the end of the airport runway.  The site is jointly owned by the city of Pulaski and the county and previous looks had shown the land to be unsuitable for most buildings due to failure to pass a perc test.  This building will be used to store emergency materials for the region, to be used during natural disasters such as tornados, floods, ice storms, for example.  In addition, some part of the facility will be compartmentalized for Giles County storage needs.  Questions from commissioners had to do with what type of materials would be stored with the EMS Director Bill Myers saying some personal protection equipment, some medical equipment, and could be used as a potential emergency distribution location, e.g., water due to unavailability in freezing weather, for vaccine application (although no medicine will be stored in this facility).  Mr. Myers did emphasize the materials are state owned and state distributed in times of need, although he caveated that somewhat that if deployed his organization would probably be going to help.  The CE noted recurring costs to the county would be insurance for the building, (although the grant may call out who insures the contents), utilities since building would be heated, and if fencing desired that too would be at county expense.  And another “opportunity cost” to the county would be the use of county land and the unavailability of that land for any other use, probably 20 years or more.    The upside for the county is to have emergency materials within our county.  Lot work, done by state, and the building on that site would be owned by the county at the conclusion of construction.  In the foreseeable future, the county has no other plans for the site, and the topography makes any other possibilities less useful for other usage.  Moving some of the recycling processing there was mentioned but since that was funded through a grant, the move would be costly per Commissioner Erin Curry.  A timeframe for accepting the state grant offer was questioned with the CE noting soon with the state possibly offering to another county.  Moore County is currently in the process of building one.   The CE noted this would have to be a contract with a resolution and there are still some questions to be answered, such as annualized maintenance/insurance.  A motion by Commissioner Evan Baddour to approve was made, and with Commissioner Shelly Goolsby providing the second, the motion was approved 6 to 1 with Commissioner Gayle Jones voting no. 

Unfinished Business – Commissioner Gayle Jones asked about an update on the county owned parcel(s) at Milky Way and the CE answered that would be addressed in the next Financial Managemetnt meeting.  The Chair asked about the water problem in the Archives building (water blown under the doors during strong winds).  Commissioners David Adams said we need to replace those doors, and the CE said he could do that without a motion.  The Chair asked if there were any public comments and there were none.  Commissioner David Wamble asked Mr. Myers if he would give an update on the recent missing person and the responses in finding her.  Mr. Myers provided an emotional response on all the teaming, including volunteers and how well each group worked together for the greater good.  Commissioner Terry Jones told of his personal experience with a fire at his home and neighbors recently and how the Chair and others quickly responded with minimum damage.  Commissioner David Adams asked who determines when you can burn, with Mr. Myers saying the state determines approving permits, but no one in Tennessee is supposed to burn trash.  The Campbellsville spring was mentioned with Commissioner Evan Baddour saying the water should be checked and that will be included in the Advisory Group for Economic Development report. The CE noted he has forwarded that request and doesn’t need a motion to make happen.  The Chair mentioned he gets more water calls than any other issue, and the city of Minor Hill is not the water district.

A motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Gayle Jones, seconded by Commissioner Shelly Goosby, and was approved unanimously. 

ATTENDEES:  Members of the Committee Chair Commissioner Tracy Wilburn, Other Commissioners Shelly Goolsby, Dr. James Lathrop (for Joyce Woodard absent) Annelle Guthrie, Gayle Jones, Caleb Savage (for Matthew Hopkins absent) Evan Baddour Other Commissioners attending Erin Curry, Matt Rubelsky, Terry Jones, Judy Pruett, David Adams, Rose Brown, Tim Risner, Carmen Brown Commissioner-elect  Other attendees: County Executive Graham Stowe, EMS Director Bill Myers