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Budget Committee Minutes – May 23, 2024 (Approved)

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23 MAY 2024

Chair Commissioner Erin Curry opened the meeting with Commissioner Matt Rubelsky offering a prayer and leading the pledge.  Financial Manager (FM) Beth Moore-Sumners thanked all involved in developing the 2024-2025 Giles County Budget, including her staff, department heads, and County Executive (CE) Graham Stowe and commented that with consideration the budget had taken some time to develop.  She mentioned the equalization ratio which equals property assessed value divided by its market value.   That ratio affects the property tax revenue which is somewhat lower but has only a small negative impact on the budget.  She discussed the Property Assessor and her conservative approach to budgeting with the exception being for the schools which have a Maintenance of Effort (MoE) budget.  Commissioner Matt Rubelsky asked about funding differences in budgeting conservatively vs more liberally.   Commissioner Gayle Jones asked on the revenue which ones have restrictions on how the funds can be used (FM mentioned several, e.g., litigation, sex offender, data processing, but also would like more state/federal funds that would to allow more local government flexibility in use).  Reason being, some build large amounts with little need for expenditure.   Commissioner Matthew Hopkins asked about interest that will accrue on the school bond and would those funds stay within the school’s budget or go to the county’s fund balance.  The FM noted that if stay in school’s budget, it would be placed in the debt service line but that she would get verification on where the interest would be placed.  Commissioner Terry Jones asked if the drug control revenue has to be spent on non-profit and the FM said she would look into that.  Commissioner Evan Baddour mentioned a previous decision in the 2023-2024 budget where the drug control funding had gone to a non-profit but they had not spent the funds.  He asked that consideration be given for a court sponsored drug recovery program.  The FM commented that some funds have to be turned back into state if the funds are not used.  Commissioner David Adams discussed some of the percentage raises, rather than merit raises, which he considered unfair, although several commissioners mentioned those raises needed to be competitive with surrounding counties. 

Giles County Schools

     Cafeteria Fund 143:  FM mentioned the source of funds is Federal. School Nutrition Field Manager Sunny Mitchell discussed the food boxes that will be available on Tuesdays for 10 weeks for all students ages 5 – 18 at several locations around the county.  Motion to approve the amended and proposed budget was made by Commissioner Judy Pruett, seconded by Commissioner Terry Jones, and was approved unanimously.

      Education Capital Projects 177: FM said this is for on-going projects which have some remaining fund.  A motion by Commissioner Evan Baddour, seconded by Commissioner Gayle Jones, was made to approve amended 2023-2024 and proposed 2024-2025 budgets.  Motion approved unanimously.

     Education Capital Projects 178:  Per the FM this will probably not be expended this budget year.  A motion by Commissioner Terry Jones, seconded by Commissioner Evan Baddour, was made to approve both amended and proposed budgets and was approved unanimously. 

     General Purpose School Fund 141:  Considerable discussion on raises within the schools especially addressing what state pays, what and when step raises are considered, base pay, state requirement (have to pay at least what state guidelines are), competitiveness when step raises are on a five year schedule, Governor Lee’s push for $50K salary by end of 26-27, special education programs which have increased students due in part to increased testing and private charging more with no increase in federal funds (special education has own MoE); (FM mentioned she would not budget an increased MoE unless legislatively approved); Commissioner Gayle Jones mentioned unfunded mandates by state, and with COVID funds “drying up”, looking into the future is challenging.  A motion by Commissioner Evan Baddour, seconded by Commissioner Judy Pruett, to approve amended and proposed budgets was made and with roll call vote was approved 5 to 2, with Commissioners Terry Jones and Matthew Hopkins voting no.  (Commissioner Terry Jones had previously read a statement on question of conflict since he is employed by the school system noting that would not influence his vote.)

Highway – The FM noted this included 5% raises and discussed their flexibility in using their revenue to determine which capital needs could be purchased.  The state gave the guidance for revenue with an increase of $20K.  A motion by Commissioner Evan Baddour, seconded by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins was made to approve the amended and proposed budget.  Motion approved unanimously.

Local Health Center, Other Public Health and Welfare, Employee Benefits (three LIs combined) and American Rescue Plan Act Grant #1 and #2 – Grant balances rolled over into 2024/2025 budget.  Motion to approve budget amendments/proposed budgets by Commissioner Evan Baddour, seconded by Commissioner Gayle Jones, and was approved unanimously. 

Other Social, Cultural and Rec (Archives)- Motion by Commissioner Gayle Jones, seconded by Commissioner Judy Pruett, to approve amended/proposed budget was made and was approved unanimously.   

Agricultural Extension Service – Motion to approve amended/proposed budget was made by Commissioner Terry Jones, seconded by Commissioner David Adams, and was approved unanimously. 

Soil Conservation and Forest Service – Motion by Commissioner Gayle Jones, seconded by Commissioner Evan Baddour, to approve amended/proposed budget was made and was approved unanimously.

Veterans Service – Motion to approve amended/proposed budget was made by Commissioner Terry Jones, seconded by Commissioner Judy Pruett, and was approved unanimously. 

County Executive – Commissioner Gayle Jones asked for clarification on secretarial cost with County Executive (CE) Graham Stowe noting the one position is shared by two people with each one of the two working different days.  At this time the FM took the opportunity to discuss county insurance.  With a more “generous” offering for county to pay on family plans, concern had been expressed in the past as to the county cost.  The FM said given the current covered employees the concern was unwarranted.  That the expected county increase in overall cost had not occurred.  A motion by Commissioner Evan Baddour, seconded by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins, to approve the amended/projected budget was made and was approved unanimously.

County Buildings – The FM noted the budget had been scaled downward due to less maintenance required.  A motion by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins, seconded by Commissioner Rose Brown (in temporary absence of Commissioner Evan Baddour), to approve amended/projected budget was made and was approved unanimously.

Traffic Control – A motion by Commissioner Gayle Jones to approve the amended/proposed budget was made, was seconded by Commissioner Evan Baddour, and was approved unanimously.   

County Clerk’s Office – Commissioner Evan Baddour asked about revenue whether it is up/down/or constant.  Clerk Carol Wade provided information on revenue and the FM noted the office has revenue greater than $400K to offset salary cost.  A motion by Commissioner Evan Baddour, seconded by Commissioner Gayle Jones, to approve the amended/proposed budget was made and was approved unanimously.

Drug Control – The FM noted any revenue resulting from drug fines, forfeitures and penalties must be used for drug related enforcement.  A motion by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins, seconded by Commissioner Gayle Jones, was made to approve the amended/proposed budget and was approved unanimously.

Courtroom Security, Sheriff’s Department, Adm of Sexual Offender Reg , and Jail – The FM noted any vehicles for these LIs show in General Capital Projects 171.  She also noted two spaces had been moved from the jail LI to the Sheriff’s Department LI.  She again reiterated an agreement from a previous budget meeting that due to the difficulties in filling spaces that two jail spaces are not included in this proposed budget, that they are still needed however, and if could be filled would then be included in the budget later.  A motion by Commissioner Terry Jones, seconded by Evan Baddour, was made to approve the amended/proposed budget and was approved unanimously.  Commissioner Matthew Hopkins noted he had checked with the state representative and that funding for SROs would be continuing and dollars for the SROs in this proposed budget would be forthcoming in July. 

Other Emergency Management and Ambulance Service – Motion by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins to approve the amended/proposed budget was made, and was seconded by Commissioner Evan Baddour.  Commissioner Gayle Jones, seconded by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins, moved that the two LIs be separated and voted on separately.  Another motion to approve the Other Emergency Management LI was made by Commissioner Evan Baddour, seconded by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins, and was approved 5 to 2 with Commissioners Gayle Jones and David Adams voting no.  The Ambulance Service LI was moved for approval by Commissioner Evan Baddour, seconded by Commissioner Judy Pruett, and was approved unanimously.    Since seven ambulance employees were present, the Chair asked they be introduced at this time. 

Rabies and Animal Control – A motion by Commissioner Evan Baddour was made to approve the amended/proposed budget, and Commissioner Gayle Jones provided the second.  The motion was approved unanimously after the following discussion:  had there been a water leak (yes); does this include Humane Association (yes); and is there one officer included in the jail budget (yes).

Other Local Welfare Services (pauper burials) – Commissioner Evan Baddour moved for approval the amended/proposed budget, and with Commissioner Matthew Hopkins providing the second, the motion was approved unanimously.

Park and Fair Boards – A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Gayle Jones, seconded by Commissioners Evan Baddour, and was approved 6 to one, with Commissioner David Adams voting no, after the following discussion:  Commissioner Gayle Jones asked how much revenue showed for the LI, with that being $7500.  Another question on the $3K for janitorial services was asked with the CE saying the area, particularly the bathrooms have to be cleaned before and afterwards.  The user is charged a fee for cleaning.  In addition, pest control had to be added.  Commissioner Evan Baddour asked about potential insurance increase due to relocation of ambulance services and the CE said that would show under ambulance. 

Industrial Development, Other Economic and Comm Development, and Contributions to Other Agencies LIs – It was noted that other local government entities also contribute to these efforts and their funding would not be included in this budget.  A question on the Economic Developer’s salary was that would be provided by the CE to Commissioner Evan Baddour who asked the question.  A motion by Commissioner Evan Baddour, seconded by Commissioner Gayle Jones, to approve all three was made and was approved unanimously. 

Airport – An Increase of $10K was noted.  A motion by Commissioner Judy Pruett, seconded by Commissioner Gayle Jones, was made to approve the amended/proposed budget and was approved unanimously.

Accounting and Budgeting – Motion by Commissioner Evan Baddour to approve the amended/proposed budget was made, was seconded by Commissioner Gayle Jones, and was approved unanimously.

Other Charges – It was noted an increase in Trustee’s compensation, with the FM stating with more funds handled, more commissions earned.  A motion by Commissioner Evan Baddour, seconded by Commissioner Gayle Jones to approve the amended/proposed budget was made.  Discussion about the unexpected and significant insurance cost last year centered on what to expect this budget year.  The FM said they had looked at other carriers, and the school systems were considered under insured, which is funded as part of the state’s insurance pool.  They did not however expect any last-minute increases.  Motion approved unanimously. 

Employee Benefits – The FM said this is a long running expense agreed to several years ago to reimburse county employees doing classes. A motion by Commissioner Gayle Jones, seconded by Commissioner Terry Jones to approve the amended/proposed budget was made and was unanimously. Approved.

Probation Settlement Fund – Per the FM the county is still paying monthly on this settlement and will continue to pay in the next budget cycle.  A motion by Commissioner Terry Jones, seconded by Commissioner Judy Pruett, was made to approve the amended/proposed budget.  The motion was approved unanimously (with Commissioner Rose Brown voting in Commissioner Evan Baddour’s temporary absence.)

Debt Service (school bond issue) – A motion was made to approve the proposed budget by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins, seconded by Commissioner Terry Jones and was approved unanimously (with Commissioner Rose Brown voting in Commissioner Evan Baddour’s temporary absence.)

General Capital Projects 171 – Funding revenue is federal through state, per FM.  The FM identified several LIs as placeholders, i.e., consultants, maintenance & Repair Buildings, Building improvements, and other equipment.  The other LI for motor vehicles was queried about how many vehicles (4, per FM) and are any of those for OEM (no, per FM).  A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Evan Baddour    , seconded by Commissioner David Adams, and was approved unanimously. 

Other Capital Projects 189 – Per the FM this includes the TACN LI which will be closed out in the next year’s proposed budget.  A motion by Commissioner Evan Baddour, seconded by Commissioner Gayle Jones, was made to approve and was approved unanimously. 

Chancery Court – Crystal Greene, Clerk, provided staffing information, i.e., 2 FT and 1 PT (for only one day a week).  A motion by Commissioner Evan Baddour, seconded by Commissioner Gayle Jones, to approve the amended/proposed budget was made and was approved unanimously. 

General Sessions Court – A motion by Commissioner Evan Baddour, seconded by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins, was made to approve the amended/proposed budget and was approved unanimously.

Juvenile Services – A motion by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins, seconded by Commissioner Terry Jones, was made to approve the amended/proposed budget and was approved unanimously.

Sanitation Management, Litter and Trash Collection, Waste Pickup, and Convenience Centers – Solid Waste Director Julie Phillips gave staffing information, i.e., 4 FT and 21 PT.  A motion by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins and seconded by Commissioner Gayle Jones, was made to approve all four LIs amended and proposed budgets.  Motion approved unanimously. 

Circuit Court Clerk (Staffing 10 FT). – A motion by Commissioner Gayle Jones to approve the amended/proposed budget was made, was seconded by Commissioner Judy Pruett, and was approved unanimously.

Register of Deeds (Staffing 2 FT and 1 PT.) – Commissioner Evan Baddour moved for approval of the amended/proposed budget, Commissioner Matthew Hopkins provided the second, and the motion was approved unanimously.

County Trustee Office (staffing 3 FT) – Motion to approve by Commissioner Terry Jones, seconded by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins, was made and was unanimously approved, after the following discussion:  Question raised by Commissioner Hopkins on data Processing Services increase.  Per Trustee Tony Risner the software program had to be updated since current program not supported; new virus protection implemented; and four computers required with sufficient storage.

Property Assessors Office (staffing 7 FT) Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Evan Baddour, seconded by Commissioner Terry Jones, and was approved unanimously.  

Election Commission (staffing 3 FT) – Motion to approve made by Commissioner Gayle Jones, seconded by Commissioner Terry Jones, and was unanimously approved after the following discussion:  Commissioner Joseph Sutton asked for clarification on increased cost for election workers.  Administrator of Elections Zena Dickey provided information on the two upcoming elections, August and November, and the need to offer increased pay ($100 a day to $150) to get election workers.

Non – Profit/Charitable Appropriations Requested:

            Giles County Fire and Rescue (F&R) – Requested $189,433 (2023-2024 $257,110).  Mr. Jeremy Mitchell, F&R, provided information on increase, i.e., equipment failure/replacement; fund raising, e.g., Turkey shoot, demolition derby; status of building after wind damage (insured).  He stated he now does a check on the facilities every two weeks.  Commissioner Evan Baddour, seconded by Commissioner Terry Jones, moved that the request be approved and be funded from the County General Fund.  The motion was approved unanimously.

            Ardmore Public Library – Requested $3,650.  It was stated that this represents 3% of total budget.  A motion by Commissioner Judy Pruett to approve and take from County General Fund was made, was seconded by Commissioner Gayle Jones, and was approved 6 – 1, with Commissioner David Adams voting no. 

            Giles County Public Library – Requested $184,787 (2023 -2024 $161,756).  Final motion to approve and take funding from County General Fund was made by Commissioner Evan Baddour and seconded by Judy Pruett, and was approved by a 4 -3 vote.  Voting no were Commissioners David Adams, Matthew Hopkins, Gayle Jones.  The first motion failed 4 -3 with Commissioners David Adams, Matthew Hopkins, Gayle Jones, Terry Jones voting no.  Discussion in favor of approving centered on:  no employee raises since 2017, some have master degrees, home schooled children use as primary source of information, other students also using during summer (with no home access to computers) in particular to read what they want to read, includes Elkton Library, funding required to maintain Bluegrass Regional Library support and CE supporting stating putting off raises people need just compounds the problem later. 

            Campbellsville Library – Requested $1600 (2023-2024 $1500).  Motion by Commissioner Evan Baddour, seconded by Commissioner Judy Pruett, was made to approve, take from County General Fund and was approved unanimously. 

            Minor Hill Public Library – Requested $1854 (2023-2024 $1854).  Motion by Commissioner Terry Jones, seconded by Commissioner Evan Baddour, to approve was made, take from County General Fund and was approved unanimously.

Tax Rate Collections by Fund (one Cent = 89,798) – A motion to approve the tax rate was made by Commissioner Terry Jones, seconded by Commissioner Gayle Jones, and was approved unanimously.  Total assessed property – $921,000,000.  Assessed property at 97.5% collection $897,975,000. 

Additional Information discussed: 

            CE discussed need and possibility of employing an Information Technologist based on current contractual costs for such services (software and hardware repair), time delays experienced and complexity of needs.    Complexity of needs would determine level of experience required in such an employee and competitive salary considerations.  The CE commented such an employee could probably do 75% of the county’s required work and he would continue to assess the need. 

            Commissioner David Adams asked for an estimate of returned budgeted dollars with the CE saying probably approximately $1M not spent and turned back. 

A motion by Commissioner David Adams, seconded by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins, to adjourn was made and was approved unanimously.   

ATTENDEES:  Members – Chair Commissioner Erin Curry, Commissioners – David Adams, Gayle Jones, Evan Badour, Matthew Hopkins, Terry Jones, Judy Pruett    Other Commissioners Attending – Rose Brown, Shelly Goolsby, Joyce Woodard, Tracy Wilburn, Brad Butler, Matt Rubelsky, Annelle Guthrie, James Lathrop, David Wamble, Roger Reedy, Joseph Sutton,   Other – County Executive Graham Stowe, Financial Management Beth Moore-Sumners, Shana Woodard, School Superintendent  Vicki Beard and Knox Vanderpool, Nutrition Field Manager Melanie Inman, Jeremy Mitchell, F&R, Administrator of Elections Zena Dickey, Trustee Tony Risner, Solid Waste Director Julie Phillips, Chancery Court Clerk Crystal Greene, County Court Clerk Carol Wade, Highway Superintendent Barry Hyatt and Steve Kelly, Economic Director Phil Reese, Veterans’ Service Officer Barry Alsup, Giles County Librarian Cindy Nesbitt, and Public