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Agri-Park Committee Minutes – May 14, 2021

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14 May 2021

Committee member attendees: County Executive Melissa Greene,
Commissioners – Rose Brown, Brad Butler, Duane Jones, Judy Pruett,
Stoney Jackson; Service Organization members – Chairman George Witt,
Mayor Pat Ford, Benny Birdsong, and absent Jason Doggett and Pete Britton.
Other Attendees: Commissioners – Harold Brooks, Joseph Sutton, Joyce
Woodward, Tommy Pollard, Gayle Jones, David Adams, Terry Harwell, Mike
Cesarini; and UT Extension County Director Kevin Rose
Chairman Witt called the meeting to order. Benny Birdsong led the prayer
and pledge.
Last meeting minutes were approved after motion to approve by Stoney
Jackson and seconded by Duane Jones.
Kevin Rose gave information on upcoming events, i.e. Here’s the Beef
festival held in Giles County and representing not only the county but the
state for the beef celebration. Festival will be September 7 – 11 and is
presented by the Pulaski Lions Club, UT extension and the Giles Chamber.
Lots of innovative new events, one being currently scheduled for Gov Lee’s
appearance at the Celebrity Showmanship Round on Thursday – the 9th. See
HERESTHEBEEFFESTIVAL.COM for complete information.
Executive Greene provided an update on the lights for the Horse arena. She
had received 3 bids, with the lowest having a lead time past the planned
Rotary Club Horse Show on the 4th Saturday in July. The next lowest, with a
$500 increase ($19940 total) with a lead time of 5 – 7 weeks should allow the
new lights to be installed prior to the Rotary event. The second lowest from
Webco was selected due to that smaller lead time. In addition to the above
cost, the overall cost will include the county buying the materials, PES doing
the poles, and a private company doing the wiring, saving the county an
estimated $10,000. She asked all attendees to note PES’s “generosity” to the
county, not only in helping develop the bid descriptions but also in donating
their time and labor at a reduced cost. Bennie Birdsong has been contacted by a family desiring to use Volunteer
Hall as an archery location, chosen due to other locations having unfavorable
wind effects on arrows. After discussion in particular about insurance
deeming this a large liability, Duane Jones and Rose Brown moved that this
use be denied. Vote taken with approval except for Judy Pruett who opposed
based partly on her desire to find a suitable location within the park and/or
her oral overall support of the park for public use.
Stoney Jackson asked all to review the handout showing the financial status
of the park. Although grants are pursued the county may not break even,
with expenses exceeding income. Promising areas are: currently a church is
paying $100 per week for use of Volunteer Hall and providing cleaning
afterwards. Swap event seems to be growing as are numerous small one day
events. The park continues to pursue grants such as the Blue Cross grant
again. Duane Jones mentioned his desire to provide playground capability
for young children while their adults are using the facility in other capacities.
Harold Brooks asked about the camper connections if still working; Bennie
answered most are working.
Melissa asked for clarification on the fee structure for the park, in part due to
calls from confused potential users . After much discussion and several
suggestions, all of which had potential problems, the decision to form a small
group to develop a strawman fee structure was put into a motion by Duane
Jones, and seconded by Rose Brown. The group will consist of Executive
Greene, Mayor Pat Ford, Bennie Birdsong, and George Witt. Motion was
Mike Cesarini and Judy Pruett made a motion to adjourn. Motion approved.