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The Giles County Regional Planning Commission Minutes – August 3, 2021

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The Giles County Regional Planning Commission Minutes of Meeting

August 3, 2021


Members in Attendance: Erin Curry, Chairperson, David Adams, Stoney Jackson,  Tamieka Russell, Tommy Pollard, Scott Stewart,  Roger Reedy,  Bill Myers  (absent Malcolm Moore, John Haislip, Kristin Pfeiffer.) Other County Officer attendees: Melissa Greene, County Executive; Commissioners Joyce Woodard, Terry Harwell, Larry Worsham, Duane Jones, Joseph Sutton, Tim Risner, David Wamble and Judy Pruett; Superintendent of Roads, Barry Hyatt


Chairperson Erin Curry opened the meeting with Tommy Pollard providing the prayer and leading the pledge. Minutes from 1 June 2021 were approved after motion by Roger Reedy and seconded by Tommy Pollard.


Chairperson Erin Curry stated the meeting was informational only with no decisions required.  She then asked Barry Hyatt, Superintendent of Roads, to provide information on subdivision projects currently being pursued.  Barry provided handouts addressing each of the projects as well as the Giles County Regional Planning Commission Subdivision Standards.  The additional information was provided verbally.


The first project being pursued by Neal Bass was brought to the Planning Commission in 2020 and was told he needed signatures on the map of a subdivision that represents his tract of land – a plat.  Barry has been in discussion with Mr. Bass who has broken ground and now would like for a contractor to start work on the subdivision road.  Barry’s recommendation to Mr. Bass was to come back with the signed plat.  A $70K bond is required for the road which must meet the minimum standards for new road development and be accepted by the Giles County Highway Department.  Per the standards, after that acceptance the process requires approval by the Planning Commission who will then forward to the full Giles County Commission.  Upon acceptance only then will the road be accepted into the Giles County road system.  Questions arose on whose signatures are required on the plat and when taxes are required per lot.  Tradeoffs between holding a contractor bond until road is completed (which is only what the bond covers), potentially reducing the bond based on some partial completion of the road, concerns about contractor not selling all lots in a timely manner and damage to the now county owned roads (should there be a retained amount of the bond for maintenance for a number of years) were all discussed.  Barry was asked what if someone does a subdivision and does not get a plat and starts work without one.  Barry “then the county would not accept the road; it would remain a private road”.


Next project is being pursued by Keith Bingham on 10 houses on Little Dry Creek and 5 houses on Franklin Hayes.  All will have individual drives  which will tie into a county road.


Next project being pursued by Brian Marks is on Timber Ridge or Timber Lane.  There will be 9 or 10 homes and Mr. Marks is 90% done so could reduce bond.  Per Barry everything looks good and the subdivision had already been approved.  Stoney Jackson commented that the homes should be completed as well before releasing bond.  While the standards do not address when to release the bond, Mr. Marks wants to go ahead and finish the road.  As noted above that part of the subdivision will be brought back to the Planning Commission and Full Commission given approval by the Road Superintendent.


Next Project is Cove Drive off the Minor Hill road and the developer is Brown & Brown.  Road completion on this project is 60% complete and Barry commented that everything is working great.  There will be approximately three upscale homes on these lots and Barry also commented that the company may come back and ask for reduced bond based on completion.


The prospect of reduced bonds based on partial completion of roads is new within Giles County and the standards may need to be amended or rewritten to accommodate.  Comments were made on who could assist, e.g. develop benchmarks, and additional comments on maintenance withholding on bonds occurred.  Barry talked of the difficulty in identifying requirements on road maintenance, e.g. location, weather, shade vs sun spots, Chairperson Erin Curry asked for general discussion on rewriting the standards or amending them and the consensus seemed to be “it’s coming.”


Other areas for discussion were some areas in the county that might potentially be subdivisions, but were known by Barry to be for private (family) development only.


There being no old or new business for discussion, Stoney moved for adjournment, Tommy Pollard seconded.  Motion approved