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Property Committee Meeting Minutes – August 5, 2021

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5 August 2021



ATTENDEES:  Chairman Roger Reedy, Harold Brooks, Larry Worsham, Joyce Woodard, Tracy Wilburn, David Adams, and Brad Butler; OTHER ATTENDEES:  County Executive Melissa Greene, Other Commissioners: Tommy Pollard, Joseph Sutton, Gayle Jones, Duane Jones, Terry Harwell, Judy Pruett, David Wamble, Stoney Jackson, Mike Cesarini, Tim Risner, Rodney Journey, Bill Cary, and Erin Curry  PRIVATE CITIZENS: Bill Myers, Giles County Fire and Rescue;  Tamieka Russell and Garret Laarman, PES; Scott Stewart, Pulaski Citizen, and Bill Young


Chairman Roger Reedy opened the meeting with Harold Brooks providing the prayer and leading the pledge.  A motion to approve the 2 July 2021 minutes was made by Tracy Wilburn and seconded by Larry Worsham.  Motion  Approved.


First agenda item:  County Executive, Melissa Greene, discussed six Letter of Intent (LoI) proposals, considered the first step in the Courthouse facility modification.   The overall process consists of a Request For Quote resulting in an LoI, this committee narrowing those down to top 2 or 3 companies, obtaining more information from those, before awarding the contract.  Melissa stated all were well known contractors but based on experience from company and experience within the county, she had identified two companies as top competitors, those being OHM and KSA.  A motion by Tracy and seconded by Harold to accept Melissa’s review and start the second step of obtaining more information from those two was approved.


Second agenda item:  Funding for county owned Fire and Rescue building modifications.  Mr. Bill Myers provided handouts to the committee showing those buildings and surround for each location, i.e. Pulaski, Brick Church, and Prospect.  He then summarized each locations safety, liability and/or needed modifications. One use of the  Pulaski location is for training and the use of “junked” cars are part of that training.  Incidents have occurred where members of the public have trespassed putting themselves in danger as well as a potential county liability cost.  The request for funding is for fencing, grade work and gravel.  Total $37,050.


Prospect location – building was built upon an old slab and is now below surrounding ground level, resulting in standing water.  Since the vehicles require trickle charge at all times, standing water is a safety hazard.  Request is for redoing grade, extending down spouts, replacing or minimum corrections to doors and is estimated to cost  $8450 total.


Brick Church – Metal building needs painting and the driveway needs the gravel reworked/replaced.  Gravel can be bought through Giles Highway Dept but regrading cannot, due to significant workload at the Highway Dept, and the prioritization of this effort over emergency repairs.


Roger asked if own property for rescue buildings.  Bill they own all but Richland.  No payment required except do cover water bill and when move off, all property improvements revert back to property owners.


Mike Cesarini asked if city of Pulaski would assist in the cost and Mike responded he had asked Pulaski for $5K and they provided $2.5K.


Larry asked if the funding for these modifications could come from the hotel/motel maintenance line and answer from Beth Yes.  Terry Harwell requested all get copies of the handout, noting seven on this committee but 21 in full commission.  Motion by Larry and seconded by Brad that the total of $52.5K for the three county owned buildings to come from hotel/motel maintenance line be approved.


Question about the remaining Fire and Rescue buildings, not county owned, but equally important was raised. However that would not be a property issue at this time.  Per Beth this would have to go to the Budget Committee, then be published in the paper.  Per a motion from Tracy and seconded by Joyce the remaining fund request on non-county owned buildings be forwarded to the budget committee.  Motion approved.


Old Business:  County Executive gave an update on potential new ambulance location, in which she and Roy Griggs, Director Ambulance Service, have visited and have entered into discussions.  There are however considerable groups whose approval would be necessary and will be time consuming.  Melissa thanked Gayle Jones for bringing this location to her attention.


There being no new business, David Adams moved for adjournment, Tracy seconded.  Motion approved.