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School Committee Meeting Minutes – August 4, 2023 (Approved)

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August 04, 2023


Chair Commissioner Shelly Goolsby opened the meeting.  The prayer and pledge were lead by Matt Rubelskey.  The minutes of the prior school committee meeting were moved for approval by Commissioner Terry Jones, seconded by Commissioner David Adams, and were approved unanimously.

There was no public comment other than Dr. Beard mentioning the school system has several open positions and they especially need bus drivers.


First Agenda Item: General Purpose School Fund Amendment, from July 13 School Board.  This amendment included prior approved items including school buses and parts, the insurance increase, a grant carryover, and reallocating the capitol improvement funds.  Curry moved to approve and Adams seconded, unanimously approved by the school committee.  General Purpose School Fund Amendment, from August 3 School Board.  This amendment included prior approved items including SPARC grant, aligning Pre-K with the state, and reallocating the SRO funds.  T. Jones moved to approve and Savage seconded, unanimously approved by the school committee.

Other Business:

  • Beard gave an update on GCHS renovations – old boiler replaced with 3 new ones, ceilings look much better, new lights, windows complete on front and at the gym, and new drywall in classrooms.

Motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Adams, seconded by Joseph Savage, with unanimous consent.


ATTENDEES:    Members of the Committee:  Chair Commissioner Shelly Goolsby. Also present were Joseph Sutton, Erin Curry, Terry Jones, David Adams, Caleb Savage, and Matt Rubelsky.


Other Commissioners in attendance:  Tim Risner, David Wamble, Joyce Woodard, Rose Brown, Tracy Wilburn, Roger Reedy, James Lathrop, Gayle Jones, Annelle Guthrie, Brad Butler, and Judy Pruett.