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Legislative Committee Minutes – September 2, 2021

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Legislative Committee Meeting Minutes

2 September 2021


Committee Members in attendance: Stoney Jackson, Chairperson, Duane Jones, Joyce Woodard, Mike Cesarini, Tommy Pollard, Larry Worsham, Judy Pruett, Other Commissioners:  Erin Curry, Roger Reedy, Tracy Wilburn,  David Wamble, Gayle Jones,  Terry Harwell, Joseph Sutton, Tim Risner, Brad Butler, and Rose Brown,   Other:  Melissa Greene – County Executive, Beth Moore-Sumners and Nancy Griffin,  Financial Management; Lucy Henson, County Attorney, Public:  Bill and Debbie Young, Barbara Harmon (Pulaski Citizen)


Chairman Stoney Jackson opened the meeting with a request for a motion of the 12 August 2021 minutes.  Duane Jones motioned for approval; seconded by Larry Worsham.  Motion approved.


First Agenda Item – Rules of the Court (for non-profits).  David Wamble and Joyce provided some handouts they had developed on rules and missions of non-profits.  A motion by Tommy and seconded by Duane was made to accept the rules as handed out with changes noted:  On application, under 11 shows current statement, amend to show current bank statement.  Also under 11, change number of copies to 10.  Under 12, add another subparagraph 4. If not completed will not be accepted.  Another motion by Mike, seconded by Tommy moved that the application form be sent to the Budget Committee.  Motion approved. Some of the discussion prior to approval of the motions was:  some with contingencies occurring after the required budget timelines may be brought  before the legislative body  but will require a 2/3 vote and must contain all the same required documents; where will the applications be provided to the county – a drop box in the County Ex office; hard copies will be provided for the budget committee plus one each for Financial Management, one for the County Ex, and one for County Clerk; should there be a follow-up on funding being spent in accordance with application; will be advertised in paper (a revised approach) and on-line; Timeline for submittal Mar 1 – Apr 15 (if holiday or weekend, next work day); Due by 4:00 p.m.; Gayle had checked on the UT-Southern donation and the rules under the TN Code Annotated 5-9-109, but given the funding was from FY 2020-2021, no problem was noted; question on who would do the advertising in the paper and answer the County Ex office; application, which must be used, will be on the county website and accompanied by the rules.   Follow the rules set forth in the  Tenn. Code Ann, 5-9-109.  If rules are not followed, the application will not be considered.  To further clarify or re-emphasize the rules provided on the handout from David Wamble, they were as follow


  1. Giles county will adhere to all rules set forth in Tenn. Code Ann, 5-9-109


  1. Applications will be accepted from March 1st through April 15th. Applications must be turned into the County Executives office by Four P.M. April 15th.    If the 15th falls on a non-business day then the application deadline will be the next business day following the 15th.


  1. Giles County Executives office  will advertise these dates in the local newspaper and online.


  1. Applicants must use the current year’s application which can be obtained from Giles County website.


  1. Consideration of funding will only occur during the normal budget process.


  1. Applicants must submit 10 copies of their complete application, to Giles County Executive’s office.


  1. If the rules of this court are not followed, the application will not be considered.




2nd Agenda Item – The planned December full commission meeting.  Considering the month of December to be filled with considerable holiday activities, a motion by Tommy and seconded by Duane was made to not have the December meeting.  Mike questioned about previous note in paper of the December meeting, and commented would have to be updated.  Motion approved.


Old Business – None


New Business – Duane had been contacted asking that the time of the full commission meeting be changed to the evening.  He made the motion that be changed, to 6:00 p.m.  with Mike seconding.  Motion approved.  It was noted that would require a 2/3 vote and would start, if approved, in October and continue for two more meetings.  The previous motion on not doing the December meeting would be placed before this potential action.


Suspending Rules – Charles Curtis had mentioned in the last meeting of the legislative body that suspension of the rules requires an identification of the reason for the suspension.  In addition if the person is on the agenda, suspension is not required.  Mike motioned this be put in the rules and Joyce seconded.  Motion approved.


Tim moved for adjournment and Mike seconded.  Motion approved.