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4 JANUARY 2022


ATTENDEES: Members of Commission:  Chairman Scott Stewart (absent), John Haislip Acting Chairman, Malcolm Moore, Bill Myers, Kristen Pfeiffer, Tamieka Russell (absent) and Commissioners David Adams, Tommy Pollard, Roger Reedy, Erin Curry, Other attendees: Commissioners Harold Brooks, Mike Cesarini, Judy Pruett, and Barry Hyatt Giles County Road Superintendent



In the absence of the Chairman Scott Stewart, John Haislip opened the meeting with Tommy Pollard offering the prayer and leading the pledge to the American flag.  Minutes of 2 November 2021 were approved after a motion by Tommy Pollard and seconded by David Adams.  The 16 December 2021 meeting minutes of the Planning Commission subcommittee on Land Use Management was read by Lois Aymett, and moved for approvement by Roger Reedy and Bill Myers, members of that subcommittee.  Motion approved.


John Haislip then asked if there was any old business and there being none, Neal Bass was asked to discuss his subdivision project.  He stated the road for that subdivision was 90% complete with only a stop sign and a street sign required, and a top layer to the road for full completion.   In addition, he has a letter of credit of $7800 for the additional work required, and has the signature of Barry Hyatt showing Barry’s approval.  He has built on Lots 12, 10 and 8 and will be starting on lots 7, 9, 11.   Harold Brooks asked about curbs required and was answered no.  Roger Reedy as Secretary of the Planning Commission was asked to sign off on the plat, which he did.  Neal Bass will be required to return to this Commission after completion in order for the Legislative Body to approve, and only then will the road be a county road.  Tommy Pollard moved that the action be approved with David Adams seconding.  After additional discussion by Neal Bass on the economy and the risk involved in subdivision development, another motion by Bill Myers and seconded by Roger Reedy to reduce the original value of the bond from $77K to $7800 based on the current 90% completion was approved.


Earlier discussion on the Giles County Regional Planning Commission Subdivision Standards and the clarity, e.g., Step 6, Erin Curry recommended an addition to those standards by identifying to whom some of the required documents should be provided.  Register of Deeds, Tammy Helton, provided information to the commission on what her office looks for in plats and that the TCA is their guidance.  Some discussion on how her requirements might or should be included in the subdivision standards and if those standards should be approved by the legislative body.


The next meeting of the Commission is planned for 1 February 2022 at 5:00 p.m.  Tommy Pollard moved for adjournment, with David Adams seconding.  Motion approved.