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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes

7 June 2022


Chairman Scott Stewart opened the meeting with offering a prayer and leading the pledge.  He then asked for any announcements, and with none given, he announced no meeting in July or December, in keeping with 10 meetings per year are required.  He further said the next meeting would be on 2 August 2022 in the same location.  Minutes of 1 June 2022 were moved for approval by Commissioner Stoney Jackson, seconded by Commissioner Erin Curry and were approved.


With no new agenda items, the discussion moved to old business which was are there any needed changes to the County’s sub-division standards.  The Chairman invited any discussion from the Committee, and with none at that time, he offered his changes/suggestions for discussion.  Although not directly related to the standards, County Attorney Lucy Henson provided for review a copy used by Maury County and available on their website that gives where you can obtain certain information, e.g. points of contacts and e-mails.  Questions on the information, e.g. whose number is listed for the planning commission, were raised.  Chairman Stewart said he would talk to the County Executive Melissa Greene and brainstorm a similar form and where it might be located so as the public could access.


Chairman Stewart offered his next potential change, that being a clarification of utilities responsibility within the commission since that term shows in the standards but in actuality only the county roads are considered in this commission.  Several of the Commissioners said they interpreted that to be included only in the sense of describing a subdivision overall and not in describing the Planning Commission’s responsibility.  Commissioner Jackson asked about the role the Pulaski Electric System (PES) has in assuring any builder has appropriate approvals prior to building.  Tameika Russell of PES said PES currently asks only for the 911 address, although they are working toward being more coherent with the city.  Commissioner Adams mentioned the gaps in water provisioning across the county and how some builders might decide to use the land in that gap.  So, per Adams until water is available all over the county, this commission shouldn’t cover.  Loose vs lengthy subdivision standards and protecting individual rights vs people determining what they want to do with their own property was discussed.  County Executive said this Commission was set up to do roads, with no authority in this county over utilities.  A plat showing roads is provided with appropriate signatures.


A clarification by Chairman Stewart was asked on what constitutes written permission, either a signed plat or a letter giving permission to start the building.    County Attorney comments that you cannot record the plat until it is signed according to the standards.


Section 6 was discussed with the attorney’s comment you do not have to sign and approve the plat on the day the commission receives the plat.  She further recommended you not, and noted the standards clearly states action is only required within 60 days.  An earlier review had happened “on the spot” with too little time to study and discuss, per the attorney.  A question then on what do we do with the copies, i.e. where should the copies be delivered and where should they be provided and by whom after approval.  Two offices were mentioned, one being the County Executive’s office.  She stated that the one who has the expertise to review the plat since it shows potential county roads would be Barry Hyatt, Superintendent of Roads, and it makes sense for preliminary plat to go to him.  Chairman Stewart said he would talk to Barry, and Commissioner Curry commented that Barry would let the commission know with the understanding it is 15 days and counting.  And his coordination with Scott or Melissa would be required for planning the agenda.  Bill Myers commented that in one place it lists 5 copies needed and in another six.  Chairman Stewart said that would be changed to six.


Per County Attorney on page 1, the authority TCA needs to be corrected to 13-3-413, which gives power of regional planning commissions to promulgate provisions for development – vesting period for development standards as to approved development plans.


Chairman Stewart then brought up the performance bond and where that should be posted.  Questions on the Highway Department and/or the Financial Management office were discussed.  Additional question on whether this would be spelled out in the 1981 Financial Management Act or not was also raised.  Commissioner Jackson commented could be letter of credit.  County Attorney stated she is not the appropriate party for keeping up with the bond, e.g. when it might expire.


Commissioner Reedy asked if the standards should show where the final plat goes.  The Register of Deeds was identified, and the question was raised of who actually takes them.  The Chairman said he would but then again, he might not be Chairman the next year and not sure the next one might want to.  A suggestion to make it “Chairman or his designee will deliver.”  Questions on filing fees were raised.


Malcolm Moore, in considering the extensive Maury County standards (150 pages), noted we don’t need to add anymore than we have to.


Commissioner Reedy asked what’s our purpose – to see people don’t get SCAM’ed; we have lots of legitimate builders but also some may come from other counties or states and may be unscrupulous.


With no other business, Commissioner Adams moved for adjournment and with Commissioner Jackson providing the second, the motion was approved.


Attendees:  Members of the Planning Commission – Chairman Scott Stewart, Kristen Pfeiffer, Malcolm Moore, Bill Myers, Tamieka Russell and Commissioners Erin Curry, David Adams, Stoney Jackson, Roger Reedy (absent, Commissioner Tommy Pollard, John Haislip); Other Commissioners – Mike Cesarini, Joyce Woodard, Terry Harwell, Gayle Jones; Other – County Executive Melissa Greene, County Attorney Lucy Henson and members of the public