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Giles County Regional Planning Commission Meeting Minutes – February 4, 2025 (Approved)

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4 February 2025

Chair Andy Edwards opened the meeting by leading the pledge and offering a prayer.  The Minutes of 7 January 2025 were moved for approval by Commissioner Annelle Guthrie, seconded by Commissioner Terry Jones, and were approved unanimously.  County Executive (CE) Graham Stowe was absent, so the Chair said there would be no CE announcements. 

First Agenda Item:  RPC Subdivisions – A previous discussion, on how the state considers what makes a subdivision, was first initiated by Tommy Pope and was put on hold at this meeting given the unavailability of Mr. Brennan Hood.  Mr. Hood is representative of the Giles County Health Department, Office of Water Resources, a Division of TDEC.   Mr. Hood had provided the following information:  he would get with the CE and set up a time to meet.  Questions could be written down for inclusion in that meeting.  The clarification that needs to be addressed is the state’s acreage size subdivision determination.  Commissioner Gayle Jones mentioned an older determining factor that may still be effect, i.e., if the planned development is within five miles of Pulaski.  The Chair mentioned he had received a text or email on a potential 19 ½ acre development, divided into 4 plots. He said he would look further into that particular information, specifically if the state would determine that to be a subdivision.  Kristen Pfeiffer who had some similar experience suggested surveyors could be helpful in answering some of these questions.

Unfinished Business – The Chair said last week he has been asked if subdivisions were determined only by individual driveways to a connecting road which then connects to a county road.   He said in discussion with County Attorney Chris Williams, utilities also play a part in determining what is a subdivision.  Kristen Pfeiffer mentioned the part that water, and the source of that water, is also an important part in that lack of water has often stopped some potential development.  In particular she mentioned availability of water from Limestone County.  Commissioner Terry Jones mentioned the state’s desire to use the Tennessee river for middle Tennessee as a water source but how that is a future action. 

With no new business, Tommy Pope moved for adjournment, and with John Haislip providing the second, the motion was approved unanimously. 

ATTENDEES:  Members of the Committee Chair Andy Edwards, Tommy Price, Tommy Pope, Kristen Pfeiffer, John Haislip, (absent Brian Marks, Connie Howell) and Commissioners Terry Jones, Annelle Guthrie (absent Caleb Savage) Other Commissioners in attendance Gayle Jones, David Adams, Tim Risner