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Building and Property Committee Meeting Minutes – November 12, 2024 (Approved)

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12 NOVEMBER 2024

Chair Commissioner Tracy Wilburn opened the meeting noting prayer and pledge had previously been provided in same day full commission meeting.  Minutes of 25 September 2024 were moved for approval by Commissioner Caleb Savage, seconded by Commissioner Erin Curry, and were approved unanimously. 

County Executive (CE) Graham Stowe provided the following information:  Considering the courthouse boiler, which is currently not working, the CE noted an emergency rental had been considered but was no longer necessary.  Instead, a vendor is pursuing parts and repair which should resolve the.  Funding is available within the budget for the repair, per the CE.   Another area, the Archives building, has experienced water entry around the doors due to wind or heavy rain.  Originally discussion had centered around providing weather stripping at the doors or door replacement, but discussions with Brindley Construction and Architect Emmitt Smith suggest other options need to be investigated. The CE mentioned two awards through the American Council of Engineering Companies of Tennessee.   One was to Commissioner Erin Curry for her work with SAIN Associates, Inc. and one to OHM for their work in developing courthouse blueprints.  The CE concluded by discussing an Archives hosted meeting at their building and encouraging all to attend.      

Criminal Court (CC) Feasibility Study.  OHM proposed a $15K feasibility study to assess the option of building a separate criminal court facility near the jail. Given other capital project priorities, his recommendation was to not go forward with the contract.  Commissioner James Lathrop brought up the subject of a virtual CC as an option.  Commissioner Evan Baddour described how that might work, e.g., on arraignments but not for a jury trial.  He noted those however represent less than 10% of trials.  He suggested he could get more data when the decision is necessary.  Commissioner Terry Jones and later Commissioner Gayle Jones discussed when such a decision might be implemented, noting that it would not be within this election term.  Commissioner Evan Baddour said we haven’t outgrown our courts yet and, addressing the inmate use within the courthouse, said the deputies have a working system in place.  No patrons are grouped with inmates, particularly in the elevator.  Commissioner James Lathrop asked about involving a judge in the discussion, with the CE stating if we still use the courthouse for that function, rather than a new facility, then nothing changes for the judges.  Commissioner Shelly Goolsby said all dollars count and are needed for other more necessary items at this time.  A motion by Commissioner Brad Butler, seconded by Commissioner Erin Curry, was made to not move forward with this proposed feasibility study, and was approved unanimously.

Unfinished Business.  Commissioner Evan Baddour discussed the HVAC system required with no criminal court planned at this time and according a new elevator and holding cell would not be necessary.  He asked about the HVAC status in the design phase; the CE responded that HVAC design may now move forward immediately, because system design was dependent on the criminal court decision.  The CE reminded commissioners of the engineering paper that lists three options: individual heat pumps, geothermal, and hybrid system, each that have pros and cons. Must also be attentive to minimizing visible duct work for historical preservation.  Design options will be looking at life cycle cost, i.e., potentially pay more up front but incur substantial energy savings over the life of the system.   A motion by Commissioner Evan Baddour, seconded by Commissioner Terry Jones, was to move forward with the HVAC as part of the Phase I effort, with no efforts at this point for the holding cells, second elevator.  The CE noted that the mechanical design should include flexibility so the commission can add holding cells in the future, if approved.  The motion was later approved. 

New Business.  Commissioner Evan Baddour informed the committee of his discussions with the current Giles County area judges and noted they looked at the possibility of a criminal court from several individual perspectives.  Those being, concern for safety, effect on downtown businesses, comparison to Maury County and no opinion.  Commissioner Baddour said he could ask again for specific opinion. 

Motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Erin Curry, seconded by Commissioner Tim Risner, and was approved unanimously.

Later discussion:  The CE recapped the discussion and decisions above, noting he will move forward on the contract for the HVAC design, and that a Justice Center (criminal court) will not be pursued at this time.

ATTENDEES:  Members of the Committee – Chair Commissioner Tracy Wilburn, Other Commissioners members Evan Baddour, Caleb Savage, Judy Pruett, Tim Risner, Erin Curry, and Brad Butler; Other Commissioners in attendance:  Joyce Woodard, Terry Jones, James Lathrop, David Wamble, Annelle Guthrie, David Adams, Roger Reedy, Matthew Hopkins, Gayle Jones, Matt Rubelsky, Joseph Sutton, Carman Brown, Shelly Goolsby