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Law Enforcement Committee Meeting Minutes – October 7, 2024 (Unapproved)

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7 OCTOBER 2024

Chair Commissioner Matthew Hopkins opened the 7 October 2024 meeting held in the EMS facility after same day Emergency Management meeting.  He noted that a prayer and pledge had been offered in that meeting and he asked for a motion on previous law enforcement meeting minutes.  Commissioner Shelly Goolsby moved those minutes be approved and with Commissioner Joyce Woodard offering a second the minutes were approved unanimously.

First Agenda Item – HVAC purchase.  The Chair noted there had been one bid for $105,500 and that bid had been discussed in previous budget committee meeting.  He discussed that both the Highway and the Jail have their own building and the jail has their own maintenance employee.  The meeting today, he said, is to prevent unexpected costs by looking at the lifetime age of some of the major system subsystems and establishing a database of those systems and their subsystems.  Sheriff Kyle Helton said most of the systems were purchased before he took office (has served for 18+ years) and that state regulations, e.g., heating must be followed since problems could result in moving inmates.  Sheriff Helton noted they had recently found one problem where there were two filter systems, and maintenance was not cleaning the second filter, which they are now doing.  He said his maintenance employee is now focused on maintenance needed every day.  Commissioner Terry Jone noted that the HVAC was at end of service life and what the cost would be to go all new throughout jail, based on current age of all.  The Chair said he’s not trashing something that’s still working unless it has to do with efficiency cost savings, but still would need an idea of how old each would be.  Commissioner David Wamble said should keep service records.  The Chair said the county should have a basic service record and schedule for all county assets.  Commissioner Wamble said in 2005 all units were replaced and he would volunteer to make a list.  The Chair noted with such a list the items could then be budgeted and the Chair volunteered to help with a database that would give for example much needed asset age, service records, potential replacement.  With such a data base the Chair said reports could be extracted to aid in decision making.  Commissioner Tim Risner asked if the current HVAC is completely down and Sheriff Helton said it is working right now.  Commissioner Shelly Goolsby said start with the list, perhaps not buy all major systems at one time, for example which ones have had most work done and perhaps replace 2 or 3 a year and put those in the budget.  The Chair noted again this is trying to reduce unexpected requirements and associated cost.  Commissioner David Wamble said he would go and do records but making sure he is not taking away from other potential suppliers.  Commissioner Gayle Jones mentioned a capital expense line for the jail, which Sheriff Helton said would come from litigation which is supposed to be used for the jail and the courthouse.  The Chair said that the Financial Management Office is looking for ways to increase the litigation funds.

Next Agenda Item – Recently purchased tasers, etc.  Sheriff Helton said he had been a guinea pig and it hurt, it is something you remember.  He also said the jail is open to all the commissioners for “tours” to help understand the various operations and assets.  For the tasers both Sheriff Helton and Captain Purvis discussed the approval, the implementation, the completion of training, and also the fleet cameras’ installation.  He noted the cameras have been most helpful in citizen complaints accuracy or not, and also in some disciplinary actions.  He also noted the court actions have been speeded up thanks to the camera information.  Further that the city of Pulaski is interested, which he noted shows the efficacy of the cameras.  The Chair asked if there were any issues that had to be addressed and Captain Purvis noted internet connectivity had to be improved since at first so many inputs from the cameras at one time bogged the internet down. 

Unfinished Business – Commissioner David Wamble asked if there were any other things the county needed to be preparing for.  Captain Purvis mentioned that both the number of miles police cars experience (3000 a month per car); and the office furniture was often from other departments castoffs, so relatively old and beat up.  A mention was made of an individual who through a grant still provides funding for two staff.  The body scanner was also mentioned and is use, which helps with internet searches rather than on-site.  Commissioner David Adams asked about how many prisoners are currently in jail with 125 – 135 mentioned which is down considerably after the probation court case.  The jail currently is certified for 126 capacity, and another question on are some prisoners state and the answer was still some are state prisoners.  Captain Purvis mentioned there are 42 officers including the Sheriff and the assignments such as narcotics, courthouse, schools reduce the county to only two patrols working calls across the whole county, in two separate cars.  They noted that domestic requires two deputies to answer a call, and they gave examples of more than two calls separated almost by the whole county geographically.  Commissioner Gayle Jones discussed the redoing of the courthouse, and the possibility of two elevators if the courthouse is used for criminal court.  She asked for a potential location if that court was moved from the courthouse.  Sheriff Helton mentioned the advantages of having such a court nearby so the inmates would not have to leave the property but that was not something he personally would fight (where the court would be located).  Commissioner Tracy Wilburn thanked the sheriff and officers for their Minor Hill support and the Sheriff mentioned not only Minor Hill but the other towns within the county who need their service.  He did note how that spreads the force thin in coverage.  He also spoke to the loyalty of his work force even mentioning those who left but have returned.

With no unfinished business Commissioner Shelly Goolsby moved for adjournment, and with Commissioner Joyce Woodard providing the second, the motion was approved. 

ATTENDEES:  Members of the committee – Chair Commissioner Matthew Hopkins, Commissioners David Wamble, Shelly Goolsby, Joyce Woodard, Gayle Jones, Rose Brown, Tim Risner Other Commissioners attending –Judy Pruett, David Adams, Roger Reedy, Tracy Wilburn, James Lathrop, Carman Brown, Terry Jones, Caleb Savage, Annelle Guthrie Other attending –Sheriff Kyle Helton, Capt. Joseph Purvis, Officer Michael Woodard, Public Scott Stewart