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School Committee Meeting Minutes – September 8, 2023 (Approved)

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Chair Shelly Goolsby opened the meeting noting in a previous meeting a prayer and pledge had been offered.  The Minutes of 4 August 2023 were then moved for approval by Commissioner David Adams, seconded by Commissioner Matt Rubelsky, and were approved unanimously.


Moving to the first agenda item, County Executive (CE) Graham Stowe asked if the announcements planned first could be moved to a later time.  With the Chair agreeing on the change, she then asked the Financial Manager (FM) Beth Moore-Sumners to discuss the school’s budget amendments.  The FM noted the amendments had been approved previously by the school board.  The amendments shown on a handout listed some internal movements between line items, and also showed a transfer from the fund balance to capital projects (Richland Roof).  Further the FM noted $200K had been approved the previous year for this project, but was not used at the time due to COVID.  Using that $200k and $165,463 this year for a total of $365,463 from the fund balance, and a bookkeeping exchange from the fund balance into the capital project line item, a motion by Commissioner Erin Curry, seconded by Commissioner Joseph Sutton, to approve was made and was approved unanimously.  A question by Commissioner James Lathrop on how many bids were received and were they close in cost was asked.  Dr. Beard answered that there were three bids, however they were significantly different in cost, and in type of roof proposed.  The selected bid will be for a metal roof.


Old Business/New Business.  Commissioner Matt Rubelsky asked about the status of the school’s ongoing projects, with Dr. Beard noting the HVAC was due in August but has not been received yet.  Commissioner Rubelsky asked if she could give a projection on utilization, i.e., a new school vs being usable as a refurbished school.  For example, 10 – 15 years use before need a new school.  Dr. Beard said the Giles County High School would be good for 10 – 15 years for sure, and the answer is complex due to the possibility of using the high school for the middle school.  She also mentioned the upgrades and the utility cost savings.  Commissioner Caleb Savage asked are the projects costing what was projected, with Dr. Beard saying yes, they are on budget.  Based on a discussion with Commissioner Joseph Sutton, Dr. Beard agreed that there are somethings you can’t put a price tag on, such as students being proud of their school.  The Chair commented on the time lines of building a new school, with perhaps six years or more after a decision to build happened.  Commissioner Rubelsky said it was important for taxpayers to know what’s been invested in the schools.  Commissioner David Adams asked about the flashing school traffic light near Bridgeforth that stays on all the time, and the waste of funding for that, asking who pays for that.  With the answer being that is paid by the City of Pulaski.


A motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Matt Rubelsky , seconded by Commissioner David Adams, and was approved unanimously.


A discussion followed on date for the next meeting, and with some consideration for school board meeting, the FM thought maybe not until October.  Commissioner Erin Curry noted necessary timing for both County Clerk Carol Wade and for The Citizen, Scott Stewart.  The CE asked if there is an issue that has critical timelines, which would not allow time for both a committee meeting and then to the county court, would it be acceptable to bypass a committee meeting in those circumstances.  A vote was called and given those circumstances, it was agreed a committee could be bypassed.



ATTENDEES:  Members of the Committee – Chair Commissioner Shelly Goolsby, Commissioners Terry Jones, David Adams, Caleb Savage, Matt Rubelsky , Joseph Sutton, and Erin Curry     Other Commissioners in attendance:  Evan Baddour, Rose Brown, Judy Pruett, David Wamble, Gayle Jones, Joyce Woodard, Dr. James Lathrop, Tammy Mathus, Annelle Guthrie, Tim Risner   Other Attendees:  County Executive Graham Stowe, Financial Management Director Beth Moore-Sumners School Superintendent Dr. Vicki Beard, and members of the public