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School Committee Meeting Minutes – May 5, 2023 (Approved)

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5 MAY 2023


Chair Commissioner Shelly Goolsby opened the meeting.  The prayer and pledge were led by Roger Reedy.  The minutes of the March 3rd, 2023 School Committee Meeting were moved for approval by Commissioner Terry Jones, seconded by Commissioner David Adams, and were approved unanimously.


First Agenda Item: 141 / 177 School Amendment.  This amendment included mostly clean up items with budgets being moved within line items.  Under Instruction, $510,000 is to purchase math and science text books with $230,500 moved from fund balance.  Under Technology, $73,512 was moved from fund balance for a new server and switch.  Under Maintenance of Plant, $60,000 was moved from fund balance for a new maintenance vehicle.  Under Transfers to Other Funds, $750,000 from the fund balance was moved to Fund 177 for paving at three (3) schools, lights at Richland ballfield, bathroom renovations, and cameras.  Commissioner Adams moved that it be approved, which was seconded by Roger Reedy, and was then unanimously approved by the school committee.


Second Agenda Item:  143 School Food Service Amendment. This fund is mostly federally funded. The amendment was for clean-up items and two (2) grants.  Commissioner Curry moved that it be approved, which was seconded by Roger Reedy, and was then unanimously approved by the budget committee.


Other Business:

  • GCHAS renovations to start as soon as school is out.
  • Commissioner Terry Jones inquired on the Grand Jury recommendations for Pulaski Elementary School.
  • Commissioner Gayle Jones asked for a list of planned school renovations. The School Board will need to provide the list.
  • Beth Moore-Sumners explained Tennessee Investment Student Achievement (TISA) is the new funding formula replacing the BEP. There will be an increase in funds so the school board is working with Financial Management on increasing school system salaries.  The School Board will have a budget work session on May 16 and vote on their budget on May 18.   The new salaries will take effect in August.
  • Beginning in March, the School Board increased their contribution to school system employees’ health insurance.
  • Commissioner Wilburn inquired about the Governor’s proposed SRO funds. The details are still being worked out.

Motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Adams, seconded by Joseph Sutton, with unanimous consent.


ATTENDEES:    Members of the Committee:  Chair Commissioner Shelly Goolsby. Also present were Joseph Sutton, Erin Curry, Terry Jones, Roger Reedy, Brad Butler.


Other Commissioners in attendance:  Tracy Wilburn, Tim Risner, Jim Lathrop, Joyce Woodard, Gayle Jones, Judy Pruett, David Wamble, Rose Brown, Evan Baddour, Tammy Mathis, and other members of the public.