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School Committee Meeting Minutes – March 3, 2023 (Approved)

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3 MARCH 2023


The Chair Commissioner Shelly Goolsby opened the meeting and asked Commissioner Matt Rubelsky to offer a prayer and lead the pledge.  The Minutes from 6 January 2023 were moved for approval by Commissioner Matt Rubelsky,  and seconded for approval by Commissioner David Adams, and were unanimously approved.


First Agenda Item – 22-23 Budget Amendment.  The Chair turned the meeting over to Beth Moore-Sumners, Director Financial Management, and noted the School Board had previously approved the amendment.  The Director discussed a Career Technical Education (CTE) Innovative School Model Grant for $2.7M which requires no matching funds.  The Grant will be used for additional personnel such as speech therapist (contracted), building construction for three schools and building improvements to one school and for guidance counselors.  The Director noted no funding would be required from the fund balance.  A motion by Commissioner Erin Curry and seconded by Commissioner Joseph Sutton to approve the amendment was made and was approved unanimously.  Prior to approval the following was discussed:  A question by Commissioner Caleb Savage on the Speech Therapist being full time and School Superintendent Dr. Beard said under the contract the hours are defined.  A question by Commissioner Gayle Jones, on the teachers pay being either salary raises or bonuses, was answered by Dr. Beard as being new personnel for growing the CTE programs and for going forward that Governor Lee supports the sustainability of the program.


Next Agenda Item – Old Business.  None

Next Agenda Item – New Business.  Commissioner David Adams addressed a situation in his district involving the location of a turnaround for one of the school buses.  Due to previous damage to a culvert, the students are having to go to another location for catching the bus, which is unacceptable per Commissioner Adams.  Dr. Beard noted the culvert has been repaired, costing $800+, but she will check on why now a new location.


A motion by Commissioner Terry Jones, seconded by Commissioner Joseph Sutton, was made and was unanimously approved.


ATTENDEES:  Members of the Committee – Chair Commissioner Shelly Goolsby, Commissioners Terry Jones , David Adams, Caleb Savage, Matt Rubelsky , Joseph Sutton, and Erin Curry     Other Commissioners in attendance:  Evan Baddour, Brad Butler, Judy Pruett, Tracy Wilburn, David Wamble, Gayle Jones, Joyce Woodard, Dr. James Lathrop, Mathew Hopkins, Annelle Guthrie, Roger Reedy    Other Attendees:  County Executive Graham Stowe, EOC Director Bill Myers, Financial Management Director Beth Moore-Sumners and Nancy Griffin, School Superintendent Dr. Vicki Beard