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Legislative Committee Meeting Minutes – February 16, 2023 (Approved)

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16 FEBRUARY 2023


The Chair Commissioner Evan Baddour opened the meeting asking for a motion on the previous minutes of 10 November 2022.  A motion to approve those minutes was made by Commissioner Annelle Guthrie, seconded by Commissioner Judy Pruett and were approved unanimously.


After the Chair commented that an additional item was added to the agenda, i.e., Non-profit Discussion, the  First Agenda Item –  Commission Rules of Order, was discussed.  A handout was provided showing proposed changes highlighted.  The changes were as follow:  Under Rule II, Add EDC Update to Order of Business (no discussion); Under Rule VI, per request of Commissioner Gayle Jones, she asked for more clarity in describing speaking timing for Commissioners in debate; Under Rule VII, provide sign in sheet at lectern for non-commissioners to speak (allowing better recording in minutes); Under Rule XII, for voting, with no corrections on item being discussed during the full legislative body meeting, to approve by consent as opposed to roll call.  However, some specific items for voting, as well as those showing less than unanimous consent, would require a roll call vote.  Those being all resolutions, elections for office, and budget amendments.  Under Rule XIX, which deals with the election process of the county attorney, a later comment by Commissioner Caleb Savage to include on the March full legislative body meeting, this process as a discussion item.  Also discussed under this Rule, was the appointment to local and regional library Boards, with the CE saying he is checking with the state library Board on local government authority for appointments.  Currently this committee does not appoint members to the local library boards.  Under Rule XX, to add Emergency Services, and to add audit (no discussion).  The following three Rules had considerable discussion, one (XVII) relating to the use of Roberts Revised Rules of Order (RRoO), one (XXI) to timing of non-profit submissions and third (XV) the scheduling of meetings.  Re Roberts RRoO, the question about primacy , in particular on areas that the local rules of order do not address.  The CE gave an example on tabling options.  Re the timing of non-profit submissions, discussion was led by Commissioner Erin Curry.  She stated the timing of submission could be changed with no ill effect on the budgetary process.  And with the change for the Agri-Park being incorporated into the non-profit discussions having changed from having a budgetary line item to a non-profit submission, she recommended changing the required submission timing from open 1 Mar and due 15 Apr to a new time of open 1 Apr and due 1 May.  She did note the exempt organizations, the libraries, the Fire and Rescue, and the Agri-Park would have to apply but would be given a different evaluation (evaluated within the overall county budgeting) than the other non-profit applications.   Re the scheduling of meetings, under XV the rules currently state the Chair shall convene the committee(s) at such time as he/she may elect.   Part of the discussion centered around the school board’s work sessions and day of the School Board meeting, and subsequently as needed a Budget Meeting to address a school amendment.  The School Board meets on the 1st Thursday in the month, and the Budget committee usually meets on the 1st Friday of the month and always in keeping with the 3rd Monday of the month for the full legislative body meeting.  The Chair noting can always call a special meeting for emergency requirements.  Commissioner Roger Reedy noted that meetings in the past had been geared more for retired individuals who have more flexibility and with the current makeup of the overall body, many are employed and require a more structured scheduling.  Commissioner Annelle Guthrie noted that with the seasonal change of meeting time many of the late evening meetings might help.  The Chair noted the 1st Friday might be set aside, leaving open to adding another day.  Concerns about setting specific dates and not needing any meeting or knowing too late to notify the public and even some of the commissioners might be a problem.  Commissioner Sutton noted the radio station could be used to notify all, as well if knowing in time the newspaper could do.


The following motions were made following individual discussions as noted:


Motion on changing non-profit submission timing.  A motion to approve the new timing of submission, i.e., from open and due dates of 1 March – 15 April, to 1 April – 1 May, was made by Commissioner Matt Rubelsky, seconded by Commissioner Judy Pruett and was approved and the CE noted would require a 2/3 vote of commissioners at the full legislative body meeting.  A motion to determine set day schedules by Commissioner Matt Rubelsky and seconded by Commissioner Judy Pruett was made and later withdrawn based on discussion of the lack of consensus on which committee and other factors such as “when needed” was ambiguous.


A motion by Commissioner Caleb Savage, seconded by Commissioner Matt Rubelsky to approve other changes as noted above (with exception of Roberts RRoO, and a set scheduling of days) was approved with a 6 – 1 roll call vote.  Voting yes, Commissioners Joyce Woodard, Terry Jones, Annelle Guthrie, Caleb Savage, Judy Pruett and voting no Chair Commissioner Evan Baddour.


Next Agenda Item – Flag Protocol over government facilities.  Per the CE, flags should not represent political interests, and should be the U.S., the Tennessee state, the Giles County, and the MIA (already flying).  A motion by Commissioner Caleb Savage, seconded by Commissioner Matt Rubelsky seconding, motion approved unanimously.

Next Agenda Item – Public Use of Courthouse.  The CE gave an outline of the approval process for use of the courthouse and grounds.  That being, someone calls, reserves the gazebo, for example, and that reservation is written into the calendar.  The item for discussion today was the county’s approval for use of the gazebo coincides with a city approval for a Pulaski Pride parade. He noted that given the courthouse is a county courthouse that parade may will spill over onto the grounds of the courthouse and the individual reserving the county’s gazebo is for an opposing group.  For security purposes the CE stated he had discussed with Sheriff Kyle Helton and county attorney Chris Williams any foreseeable issues with a desire to keep all safe.  The Chair noting the parade is scheduled for June, he asked for other scheduled events.  The CE noted in April a Rally for Christ, in June (11th or Wednesday week date) the Sundrop festival, and occasionally others pop up, such as a block party.  He suggested the county needed a policy and he would probably have one next month, and probably no more than ½ sheet.  Commissioner Terry Jones said so no motion, just have at next meeting.  The Chair Commissioner Baddour stated all reservations for the gazebo should be with 1st Amendment Rights being preeminent, and since the public has been approved at the city, then who would go first, and said right now stays in the city.  The CE says the city has ordinances and permits, but that Sheriff Helton may never hear until happens (city notifies the Pulaski Police Chief).  Commissioner Baddour asked about the timing of the two events with the city approval being 24 January 2023 and the courthouse gazebo being the 25th of January request.  Other questions such as vendors (can’t block sidewalks), milk drop, tourism visits, open on weekends, restrooms open or not, portable toilets provided by county (no) (cost $2K not affordable for smaller events), use of electrical outlets (small fee?) were asked.  The CE said he would continue discussions with the county sheriff.


Old Business – none.  New Business – The Chairman of the Audit Committee, Commissioner David Wamble, said he had been told he had to have two meetings but would like to see a Resolution on what is expected.  The CE said he would do.  Commissioner David Adams asked about the contract for using the county spring property near Campbellsville, and that he thought it was expiring.  He also said he knew of others who wanted to bid.


A motion by Commissioner Caleb Savage to adjourn was made, seconded by Commissioner Matt Rubelsky, and was approved unanimously.


ATTENDEES:    Members of the Committee:  Chair Commissioner Evan Baddour, Commissioners:  Joyce Woodard, Terry Jones, Annelle Guthrie, Caleb Savage, Judy Pruett and Matt Rubelsky Other Commissioners in attendance:  David Adams, Erin Curry, Shelly Goolsby, Matt Hopkins, Gayle Jones, Dr. James Lathrop, Roger Reedy, Joseph Sutton, David Wamble, Tracy Wilburn, Maurice Woodard Other Attendees: County Executive Graham Stowe, Financial Management Nancy Griffin,  LGBTQ Facilitator Caron Perkins and other members of the public