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2 November 2021


ATTENDEES:  Members of commission – Scott Stewart, Chairman, John Haislip, Malcolm Moore (absent), Bill Myers (absent), Kristen Pfeiffer, Tamieka Russell, and Commissioners – David Adams, Stoney Jackson (absent), Tommy Pollard, Roger Reedy, and Erin Curry (absent) Other attendees – Commissioners Harold Brooks, Mike Cesarini, Duane Jones, Gayle Jones, Judy Pruett, and Larry Worsham;  Other – County Executive Melissa Greene, County Attorney Lucy Henson


Chairman Stewart opened the meeting with Tommy Pollard offering the prayer and leading the pledge. Minutes of 12 October 2021 were approved after a motion by David Adams and seconded by John Haislip.   Chairman Stewart noted there would be no meeting in December (or July) unless there was a need for a call meeting.  He further stated, with approval, the next meeting would be 4 January 2022.  Moved for approval of that date by Tommy Pollard and seconded by Roger Reedy, motion was approved.


First Item on Agenda – Mr. Rob Sanders was to be on the agenda but had called and requested that be postponed.  Per Chairman Stewart, Mr. Sanders has been provided both the Giles County Regional Planning Commission subdivision standards and the by-laws.  Mr. Sanders is understood to be representing a party that wants to develop a subdivision.


Second Item on Agenda – Chairman Stewart asked if the Commission wants to develop a Land Use Management Plan and would like to have a vote on that support.  Per initial discussion, Tommy Pollard and Roger Reedy stated the county needs a plan but should be brief and focus on protection not covered in other laws/regulations.  A motion by Roger Reedy and seconded by David Adams was made.  Further discussion on would whatever is developed be amendable.  The answer was yes, with a review and vote to go forward by a subcommittee (not named at this time of the discussion), by this Commission, and by the full Legislative Commission and would also include public input.


At this time a document developed by Rosemary Martin and Ann Dickey to Commissioner Adams was read to all.  The document expressed their desire to have some land use management plan given that the state can’t protect in all areas and the document also expressed the desire that the Campbellsville spring not be sold.  Commissioner Adams stated that he didn’t agree that the state wouldn’t protect, and had concerns that in a newly developed plan you start out with making exceptions.


Roger Reedy in response to Chairman Stewart’s request to bring back areas to be considered in the plan stated guidelines for industrial entities that have adverse effects on citizens, e.g. wind farms, solar farms, environmental (Chairman Stewart added infrastructure) should be developed.  Tommy Pollard mentioned concerns about law suits, landfills being overrun, or the other side if too restrictive such as for a rock crusher, they could just move to another county and we would still need and have to pay for the crushed rock.  Harold Brooks stated what is needed up front is an updated map, and chairman Stewart said that would be what the subcommittee would pursue.  A question by Tommy Pollard to the County Executive on overcoming the absent members of the committee by allowing someone appointed by the County Executive to “sit in” and vote was answered by the County Executive that the members (absent or not) have been approved by the full Legislative Committee and cannot be appointed for any meeting where there are absentees for that reason.  Chairman Stewart noted that in this meeting there is a quorum available.


Attorney Henson asked for a simple vote, yes or no, that the Planning Commission will develop a Land Use Management Plan. Chairman Stewart called for a vote and motion was approved to pursue the development of a Plan.


Chairman Stewart then noted that he had two volunteers for what would be a 4-person subcommittee with himself being a voting ex-officio members.  He asked for another volunteer and Roger Reedy volunteered.  The subcommittee will consist of Kristen Pfeiffer, Bill Myers, Roger Reedy, and Scott Stewart.  A question by Mike Cesarini on prisons, corrective facilities to be included was answered with yes would be considered.  Per Chairman Stewart he will take the lead on setting meetings for the subcommittee and will take the input they already have (mentioned the public’s input) and what they will get as part of their development.  Another question on cost of experienced professionals in this field when they assistance is sought was answered by County Executive and the Chairman that a $5K request from fund balance be made to the full commission.  A motion by Tamieka Russell and seconded by Kristen Pfeiffer was made to request $5K from the commission.  Motion approved.


Next Agenda Item – The previously discussed proposed Letter of Action which was developed to more effectively answer the many questions various Giles departments, commission and commissioners face on a new address for properties through the 911 process was discussed by the County Executive.  County Executive Greene noted the many calls and questions that arise and noted from the previous minutes that this commission thought the process to complex.  She reiterated the problems the departments are having , mentioned precedent already set with preliminary plats being brought to the Commission, and that with a new 911 Director who desires to make sure all necessary reviews have happened, this proposed Letter of Action would work in the county and the developers best interest.  A motion by John Haislip, seconded by Tommy Pollard, to approve the use of such a Letter of Action was approved.


Old Business – Chairman Stewart mentioned again that there is insufficient information being gathered on bonds, in particular on those for subdivision county roads, and perhaps for utility bonds.  He suggested this would be considered in some upcoming meetings.

County Executive Greene mentioned a concerned citizen call where property across from her century old family farm had been purchased for development.  Currently there is not any law/regulation which prevents that from happening.


Tommy Pollard moved for adjournment with John Haislip seconding.  Motion approved.