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10 JANUARY 2022
Attendees are shown on the attached listing.
Minutes of 7 October 2021 were moved for approval by David Adams, seconded
by Tommy Pollard. Motion approved.
First Agenda Item: OEM building – Request for Bid for update to old “Schwan”
building resulted in four bidders with the lowest, from Richland Industries, at
$533K. Melissa suggested for budget purposes that be $550K with approximately
$10K included as an additional change. David Adams asked for a recap of the
requirement which per Melissa Greene includes space for all OEM including a
training office, bathrooms that are ADA accessible, trailer space and a loading
dock torn off so that large trucks can park next to the building. Funding for this
effort comes from Hotel/Motel taxes which currently has $800k balance. Melissa
stated the Archives funding is sufficient to cover moving and storage for them.
Stoney Jackson asked what sort of priority is on this update given materials are
abnormally high right now, but also commented could go even higher in the
future. Mike Cesarini asked if there is any need to change the structure of the
current OEM building for the Archives to use and answer no. A question by David
Adams on sunset of using the tax dollars and answer no. David Wamble asked
about any COVID dollars available for update, but per Melissa Greene those funds
were used to purchase the building but do not cover remodeling. Stoney
mentioned that the income form the Hotel/Motel tax has increased with Beth
Moore-Sumners stating $23K for this month, $105K year to date, and budget for
total year was $150K, so definitely increasing but no known information on why.
A motion by Joyce Woodard, seconded by Roger Reedy to send the request for
$550K to the Budget Committee. Motion approved.
Second Agenda Item: Two parcels located on Peach Road, near Puncheon, which
were bought to prevent building on that site due to being in the flood plain. At
this time can only be used for greenspace. The property has been leased in the
past to individuals located on surrounding property. Question has been raised to
sell these two parcels, putting them back on the tax roles. However, the land was
purchased with FEMA funds and would need their approval. If to be sold would
be put up for public auction with restrictions in the future on building since in
flood plain. Roger moved to start the process to sell with Tommy Pollard
seconding. Motion approved. Melissa mentioned would be done by sealed bids
with an option to raise the bid if desired.
Third Agenda Item: the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC) room in the
Giles County Courthouse – Melissa mentioned the national news on the appeals
court overturn of a case after a jury was considered unduly influenced due to
confederacy memorabilia, i.e. Confederate flag and a portrait of Jefferson Davis,
in the UDC room of courtroom. Considerable strong feelings were expressed on
both sides of this issue, e.g. counter culture, don’t agree, others get rid of room,
others keep memorabilia but in other location (several mentioned). One issue in
particular is that the room itself has a historical precedent of being set aside for
the UDC possibly through a resolution. Many thought that given future appeals,
no matter the decision, that a legal review would be helpful. Also, that a
discussion with the President of the UDC would be most helpful and was
commented that person is “a good person to work with”. Melissa then said she
would arrange a meeting with the President of the UDC and also invited Tonya
Holley who had presented the UDC’s interest.
Fourth Agenda Item: The Campbellsville spring location – UT Southern and
Melissa have had conversations about allowing their students to use the location
for their Ag Program field excursions. She would ask them to come soon to this
committee to explain how the field would be used. David Adams – not opposed
to them using but the location needs some work, e.g., gates, posts and the road
within the area. Duane Jones asked about guard rails which had been raised in
previous meetings but the answer was nothing done at this time. A question was
raised about selling this site and a strong response that this site is such a valuable
source of water in its flow into Richland via Big Creek and possibility that the site
would be exploited if not county owned. A different point of view was raised that
the water flows across other owners and they could choose a different option.
Chairman Tracy Wilburn declared nothing needed to be decided on this issue
today and could be discussed at a later meeting. It was mentioned that this
spring water originates in Kentucky. A motion by Tommy Pollard and seconded by
Joyce Woodard to adjourn was approved.

Members Present:  Chairman Tracy Wilburn, Tommy Pollard (sitting in for Gayle Jones), Roger Reedy, Joyce Woodard, David Adams, Larry Worsham, Harold Brooks

Other Commissioners Present:  Joseph Sutton, Brad Butler, Judy Pruett, Duane Jones, Erin Curry, Stoney Jackson, Mike Cesarini, David Wamble, Bill Cary, Terry Harwell, Tim Risner