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Giles County Regional Planning Commission Meeting Minutes – September 6, 2023 (Approved)

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Vice Chairman Tommy Pope opened the meeting noting there was a quorum present and asking Commissioner Terry Jones to offer a prayer and lead the pledge.  The Minutes of 1 August 2023 were moved for approval by Commissioner Erin Curry and seconded by Bill Myers.  Minutes were approved unanimously.

With no additional agenda items, the Vice Chair asked if there were any old or new business.  Commissioner Evan Baddour stated that he had been contacted and asked  to bring up a situation on highway 31a which might be covered, per the caller, under a nuisance law.  Per the County Executive (CE) Graham Stowe, he and CTAS had discussed, generally, the ramifications of such a law and was told there is a county powers act but it has little teeth to enforce, i.e., a $50 fine.  Commissioner Terry Jones noted that the location, which has considerable items in front and close to the road, was on sale for $85K.  The Chair noted the building had been an old store, and is probably close to the road, but that the planning commission was not responsible for any type zoning such as a nuisance location.  On being asked which group would be, the Chair noted it would be the full commission.

The CE said that he was receiving numerous calls asking about subdivision standards.  He noted that he is working on the development of a new website and he considered a subdivision checklist to be an important addition to that website.  In particular he noted that such a checklist would be helpful to new comers to Giles County.  Commissioner Tim Risner asked if the highway standards were included in the county’s subdivision standards, with the CE saying yes.  Discussion then centered around what constitutes a subdivision, in particular with a mention of an individual saying the state considers a subdivision being two or more houses on five acres or less.  Generally, the Planning Commission has considered a subdivision being one where a development has an internal road for multiple homes and that internal road connects with a county road.  If one or more houses are developed, each connecting straight to a county road, then that would not be a subdivision.   The Chair noted he had been working to get clarification but at this time had not reached the appropriate party.  Commissioner Terry Jones also mentioned developers building behind homes that were not at the time considered subdivisions.  The Chair mentioned a previous discussion in a planning commission meeting where a developer was considering removing a guard rail and putting in a culvert and with one road coming out, that would be considered a subdivision.  This too, the Chair noted, was being discussed at the state level.  Commissioner Evan Baddour asked is there a check list, with the CE saying no, currently there are the subdivision standards only.

A motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Terry Jones, seconded by Commissioner Erin Curry, and was approved unanimously.

ATTENDEES:  Members of the Commission – (Chair Connie Howell absent), Vice Chair Tommy Pope, Malcolm Moore, Bill Myers (absent Kristen Pfeiffer, Scott Stewart, John Haislip, Tamieka Russell) Commissioner Members – Terry Jones, Erin Curry, Annelle Guthrie, Other Commissioners attending:   Gayle Jones, Joyce Woodard, David Adams, Tim Risner, Evan Baddour Other:  County Executive Graham Stowe and a member of the public