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Giles County Regional Planning Commission Meeting Minutes – February 6, 2024

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6 February 2024


Planning Commission Chair Connie Howell opened the meeting asking that Commissioner Terry Jones offer a prayer and lead the pledge.  The minutes of 9 January 2024 were moved for approval by Commissioner Annelle Guthrie, seconded by Commissioner Terry Jones, and were approved unanimously.


The Chair noted that County Executive (CE) Graham Stowe was not able to attend.  He would be providing an update on benchmarking with Putnam County subdivision standards in our March Planning Commission meeting.  Commissioner Terry Jones asked if the Chair knew if the CE has spoken further with Chip Moore, a private citizen who had attended the 9 January 2024 meeting.  The Chair said she thought they had spoken during the recent inclement weather.


The Chair asked if there was any other old business and there being none, she asked if there was any new business.  Commissioner Evan Baddour asked for any opinion from the attendees on the Corner Pit BBQ’s request for a beer license, which had failed, given the restaurant is not in keeping with the county’s guidelines on distance from a church.  He further asked if that is not a form of zoning although Giles County is not a zoned county.  The Chair said that state law governs alcohol sales by the drink but the county may choose how to control beer sales.  Several commissioners noted not only the many guideline changes on distances from churches, but also that the city of Pulaski has a much more relaxed requirement.  Kristen Pfeiffer noted that the Corner Pit BBQ has a state license for liquor by the drink, and also that the constituents of Giles County have voted to allow liquor by the drink.   Commissioner Baddour said that the issue could and would probably be addressed at the county level.  Scott Stewart noted in following through on the zoning issue, that the county has the power to regulate beer sales, and could do additional regulations but chooses not to.  Commissioner David Adams noted that the county has chosen to regulate adult entertainment.  Tommy Pope said that Elkton at one time had 21 beer joints and now has one, using that example to show control of beer sales is necessary, and the resulting revenue is not always necessary.

A motion by Scott Stewart to adjourn was made, seconded by Tommy Pope, and was approved unanimously.

ATTENDEES:  Members of the Commission Chair Connie Howell, Malcolm Moore, Kristen Pfeiffer, Scott Stewart, Tommy Pope (absent Bill Myers, Tameika Russell, John Haislip), Commissioners Annelle Guthrie, Terry Jones (absent Erin Curry)  Other Commissioners attending – Evan Baddour, Joyce Woodard, Gayle Jones, David Adams