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Chairman Scott Stewart opened the meeting by asking Tommy Pollard to offer the prayer and lead the pledge.  The 4 January 2022 minutes were moved for approval by Tommy Pollard, seconded by Erin Curry and were approved.

Chairman Stewart announced the next meeting would be 1 March 2022, welcomed the public and stated their interest was appreciated.  He also thanked the members of the committee for their help in the previous meeting (he was absent at that time due to illness.)

Tommy Pollard asked about a previous conversation he had with an individual who had approximately 5 acres on which he wanted to place mobile homes, and would that be required to come before the commission.  Scott answered with if a county road is needed, then yes.  However, if only a driveway, would not need to come before the commission.  County attorney, Lucy Henson, recommended the individual obtain a copy of the county’s subdivision regulations and also to contact the county Highway Department.

Old Business – Lucy discussed a previous item, i.e. closing of the Hidden Hollow road.  Due to a suggested turnaround, and there being two additional lots, the question of who would need to be notified prior to approval was raised.  Lucy recommended this item be placed on the next agenda.  A statement by Harold Brooks about the city requiring all mobile homes being properly underpinned was countered by the Chairman with the statement the county has no “zoning” requirements, and no such requirement.


Stoney Jackson raised concern about the previous meeting’s decision to lower the bond on a nearly completed subdivision road.  His concern is that with additional lots and homes to be constructed, that the road may well suffer significant damage, for example when new water lines are provided.  Chairman Stewart said the decision to lower the bond was based on the county Road Superintendent stating the remaining part of the bond was sufficient.  Stoney said the bond, being a Letter of Credit, doesn’t really require sufficient investment on the developer.

Lucy raised the question of how the developer got on the agenda given the timelines given in the subdivision regulation.  There was some confusion about “he only wanted to talk”, “he didn’t follow the rules”, however Lucy stated the final plat should never have been signed off on.  She asked if there were any other outstanding plats to be approved, and Scott answered with not now, but should any new come up, that the communication would come between Melissa and himself.  He also said the subdivision regulations would be put on the next agenda.


Old Business – Chairman Stewart asked if there are any reasons for the Ad Hoc committee to continue or any further discussions on the Land Use Management Plan to happen.  Discussion followed on:  the $5K not approved at the full Legislative Body meeting with some of the same commission members originally voting to approve and voting not to approve at the full meeting; some reasons not to approve (use the $5K and still the plan be disapproved, so lost the $5K;) 50% want to do something and 50% want a wide-open county; lot of effort and lot of time to develop in-house a plan, and still can’t get through total legislative body.

A motion to disband the Ad Hoc Committee was made by Roger Reedy and seconded by Tommy Pollard.  Motion approved.  David Adams stated you have a right to change your mind, however still think there ought to be something in place as a plan.  Lucy stated that no lawyer is going to do for free, and if they did, probably not an expert since this area is unique.  John Haislip suggested wait on funding until a draft showing restricting certain industries is developed.   Gayle Jones mentioned a previous “expert” had cautioned about seeking public input and she objected to that thinking and that most of the “experts” are for zoning.  Scott noted that there is $2k in the budget for the commission’s use and that the $5K was to show county support for putting something (very specific on heavy industry) into place.  Scott did mention that he possibly would speak to the previous expert in order to find someone who is an expert in this area.  After more discussion along the same lines, Scott said that the subject of a Land Use Management Plan, in his opinion, can wait until after the next election.


Joyce Morgan, by Zoom, mentioned the billboard by Exit I-22 which depicts a scantily clad female as causing a negative reaction to people coming into Giles County and was there anything that could be done about the billboard.   She asked based on a request from one of her constituents in her district.  Lucy said not for this commission to act.  Stoney said zero control over how the owners use their property.  Several suggestions were made in particular on whether the sign is on individual property or on state property.  Erin Curry said she was working with the Chamber of Commerce on another situation and she would take the action to determine what action, if any, could be taken.


With no other business, Tommy Pollard moved for adjournment, with John Haislip seconding.  Motion approved.  Lucy did ask that all review the subdivision regulations ahead of the next meeting since they will be on the agenda.


Attendees:  Chairman Scott Stewart, John Haislip, Roger Reedy, Tamieka Russell, Kristen Pfeiffer, David Adams, Erin Curry, Malcolm Moore, Tommy Pollard Other Commissioners – Harold Brooks, Judy Pruett, Stoney Jackson, Larry Worsham, Duane Jones, Gayle Jones  (Zoom only – Mike Cesarini and Joyce Woodard) Other – County Executive Melissa Greene and County Attorney Lucy Henson and Members of the Public