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28 JANUARY 2022


Chairman Erin Curry opened the meeting, forgoing the prayer and pledge given in previous same day meeting.  She asked for approval of 10 January 2022 minutes, with Larry Worsham moving for approval, David Wamble seconding.  Minutes approved.


First Agenda Item – School 141 Amendment.  This amendment for school buses and a STEM grant, which had been discussed in a previous School Committee meeting, was motioned for approval by Judy Pruett and seconded by Larry Worsham.  Motion approved.


Second Agenda Item – County 101 Amendment.  This amendment covers insurance and sale of a motor vehicle in the Sheriff’s department; Overtime worked to support the Ardmore location; Video grant; maintenance and repair of the ceiling in the SunTrust location and mold found in the courthouse; a rollover in the Ag Extension Office on salaries; solid waste changes in various LIs; and the $200K for the Ambulance Retention pay.  David Wamble moved for approval and Larry Worsham seconded.  Motion approved.


Third Agenda Item – 22-23 Budget Calendar.  Chairman Curry said the calendar was very similar to the previous year’s calendar, and that the conference planned in late May has been considered.  That planning will result in budget hearings by the Budget Committee being conducted over one day, if possible.  Gayle Jones asked if would again be held in courthouse and was answered yes.  Larry Worsham moved for approval, with Duane Jones seconding.  Motion approved.


The Internet Grant discussion was led by County Executive Melissa Greene.  She said there had been considerable discussion on this issue with many concerned about whether they would have broadband or not.  She had developed a video for social networks and for other presentations and that video was shown to all.  For the grants being pursued for the coverage of Giles County she asked for citizens support showing their desire to have that coverage.  In particular she stressed with the direction the county is pursuing, the county and thus the citizens will not be liable/responsible for the grants.  She futhured said the approval of the various grants is not a given, but that she will continue to make sure interest of all citizens for broadband will be pursued.  She will be briefing a service club next week to provide them with the presentation so as to clear up any miscommunication within the community.  Joyce Woodard asked about clarification in the Prospect area and was told that area is considered a census tract and this grant cannot pay since MediaCom is already part of that census tract.  Melissa asked that each Commissioner write a letter supporting the grants and Erin Curry volunteered to draft a model of that letter for all.


Duane Jones, and Larry Worsham seconded, moved for adjournment.  Motion approved.


Attendees:  Chairman Erin Curry, Duane Jones for Roger Reedy (absent), Judy Pruett, Larry Worsham, Gayle Jones, Tim Risner, David Wamble  Other  Commissioners Joyce Woodard, Joseph Sutton, Terry Harwell, Tracy Wilburn, David Adams, Stoney Jackson, Tommy Pollard, Harold Brooks (Zoom Mike Cesarini and Bill Cary)