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Giles County Highway Department Committee Meeting Minutes – September 28, 2023

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Giles County Highway Department Committee Meeting Minutes September 28, 2023




Members Present: Tim Risner, Tracy Wilburn, Joseph Sutton, Shelly Goolsby, Joyce Woodard, Roger Reedy and Matt Rubelsky

Other Members also present: Gayle Jones, David Adams, Rose Brown, Judy Pruett, Annelle Guthrie, Evan Baddour, James Lathrop and Brad Butler

Also present: Barry Hyatt, Steve Kelley, Erin Harmon, Steve Putnum, Rick Hyatt, Danny Arnold and Stan Ralston



Meeting called to order at 9:00 am Chairman Risner asked if there was any public comments.

Prayer by Matt Rubelsky

Pledge by all

First Order of business: Review of minutes from May 4, 2023. Chairman Risner ask the committee if there are any comments, questions or corrections that need to be made to the minutes. There were none. Commissioner Wilburn made a motion to approve the minutes. Commissioner Goolsby seconded the motion. All were in favor and the minutes were approved.


Second Order of business: Fairview Church Flashing light- Road Superintendent Barry Hyatt addresses the committee about the request for a flashing light to be placed on Industrial Loop at Fairview Church of Christ. Mr. Hyatt stated that this has been something in the works by the church members for a while now. Rick Hyatt and Steve Putnum, members of Fairview, were present to commit on the matter. Mr. Putnam says that they have a real problem there with traffic and people driving too fast. Members of the church park across the street in the overflow parking area and it’s dangerous where they cross. Any Signage that would grab driver’s attention to slow down and take caution would help.  Mr. Hyatt says that the verbiage on the sign cannot state anything having to do with traffic control and that a “flashing light” cannot be placed on the county’s right of way. The county cannot accept the liability with a sign like this. If the church chooses to place a sign with the words “Church” or “Church Ahead” that would be acceptable, but it would be at the churches expense and the churches responsibility to maintain the sign. There was some discussion among the commissioners about similar signs placed within the city limits at other churches. Rick Hyatt lets the committee know that any kind of signage that the church is allowed to put up would be appreciated. Commissioner Rubelsky made a motion to approve Fairview Church to move forward with placing a sign with the Highway Departments recommendations on no traffic flow verbiage and that all liabilities, cost and maintenance will fall to the churches responsibility. Commissioner Reedy seconded the motion. All are in favor and the motion was approved.

Third Order of business: Speed Limit for Alsup Hollow Rd- Commissioner Wilburn stated he is sponsoring the petition to place speed limit signs on Alsup Hollow road. Every resident signed the petition and was in agreement to place signs for 30 mph. Commissioner Goolsby made a motion to approve the petition. Commissioner Reedy seconds the motion. All were in favor and the motion was passed.

Fourth Order of business: Bridge Dedication for Sidney B. Ralston. Mr. Hyatt tells the committee that the Highway Department supports the request for the bridge dedication. The bridge is located on Yokley Rd near the family’s residents. There were family members present and Danny Arnold, Mr. Ralston’s son in law read a letter to the committee. Sidney B. Ralston was born May 12, 1930 and was a veteran of the United States Navy. He lived in Lynnville for 92 years before he passed in September 16. 2022. He was known for his bush hogging skills, farming and always helping the neighbors in the area. The Ralston Farm has been in the family since the civil war and the family requests that a memorial sign be placed on Yokley Rd just before Dog Hollow. Commissioner Reedy makes a motion to approve the bridge dedication. Commissioner Wilburn seconds the motion. All are in favor and the motion is passed.


Fifth Order of business: Old/New business- Mr. Hyatt states that there is no old business to discuss. Mr. Hyatt would like to address the committee with a status on the Highway Departments paving. Since the start of the fiscal year July 1, 2023 the Highway Dept. has spent approximately $453,207.70 in oil and $193,323.75 in rock for double surface treatment on 19 roads for a total of 18.67 miles. Also Mr. Hyatt tells the committee that the county has state aid funds to help replace the bridge on Big Dry Creek Rd. The Highway Department has acquired the property needed to replace the bridge. The existing bridge will stay in place while the new one is being built. The new structure will have a straighter approach. The property was donated by the property owners. Mr. Hyatt wanted the committee to know that the County Executive is the only one that has the authority to sign and accept the donated property. Executive Stowe has signed the contracts and the project will move forward. Kerr Hill Road in line for state aid Hot Mix soon. Hopefully Wright Paving Company will move in and resurface the road in the next few weeks. Buford Station will be next for Hot Mix. It will most likely be the spring of 2024 before this project will begin. Commissioner Wilburn makes a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Reedy seconds the motion. All are in favor. Meeting adjourned.