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Budget Committee Minutes – July 9, 2021

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9 JULY 2021


ATTENDEES:  Chairperson Erin Curry, Duane Jones, Larry Worsham, Judy Pruett, Gayle Jones, Stoney Jackson (for David Wamble – absent) and David Adams (for Tim Risner – absent) Other Commissioners:  Tommy Pollard, Joseph Sutton, Roger Reedy, Harold Brooks, Tracy Wilburn, Other County Executive Melissa Greene, Financial Management – Beth Moore-Sumners and Nancy Griffin, Department Head for Ambulance Service Roy Griggs and approximate 9 private citizens representing non-profits.


Chairperson Erin Curry opened the meeting by asking Roger Reedy to provide prayer and lead the pledge.  Stoney Jackson moved for approval of 3 June 2021 and 7 May 2021 minutes  and Larry Worsham seconded.  Motion approved.


A handout from Beth was provided showing $70K budgeted for paving the ambulance parking lot (estimate was between $65K and $70K).  Stoney asked if this could be considered under litigation funding rather than fund balance and Beth said she would check and give feedback.  Other amendments on the handout were: more a “bookkeeping” to show commitments from previous year not yet invoiced, and action for probation costs such as monitoring fees and notification to all parties involved.   Motion by Larry Worsham and seconded by Duane to approve these amendments  was approved.


Non-profits:  Beth stated her office was placed in an inappropriate position due to rules established, rules overlooked and some treatment perceived by the public as favoritism. She mentioned the distrust of government mentioned by the public in a previous public meeting.  Erin suggested that for the next budget cycle that the application form be posted on the website, each commissioner note non-profits within their district and personally notify them, and have a box in Financial Management for their application.  Beth mentioned sounds simple but not, e.g. some would not turn in correct number of copies required – so don’t accept?  Stoney said don’t follow rules results in chaos.  David Adams said we always make rules and let non-profits break them.  Stick with rules.


Judy Pruett – there are always extenuating circumstances with rules, they are not always black and white.  This was a difficult year made even more so by not advertising due date.  She further stated application is cumbersome and some organizations staffed only by volunteers don’t have capability or information to complete.  Erin Curry: we spend more time on non-profits and less on department budgets and we were elected to do business of county.  This committee needs to have guidelines.  Stoney raised the question on available bank balances within the non-profits but the answer not simple.  For example Boys and Girls Club showed their financial balance that included their merger with the Columbia organization.  Gayle said the non-profits were told if want to come back after the budget process, they could.  The funding for UT Southern could have been split and used the $50 to fund other non-profits.  Harold Brooks questioned the library fund balance and Judy noted that included grant funding for computers which is still outstanding by invoice.  Tracy asked if couldn’t have reduced their funding and Erin read from the Blue Grass info that showed what happened if the Giles County library funding was decreased from their Maintenance of Effort funding line.  Questions by Tracy for Minor Hill then arose on how that affected the Minor Hill library.  Gayle Jones then moved and David Adams seconded that the Campbellsville and Minor Hill libraries be funded.  Discussion then on Chamber funding (application incomplete and was funded with 4-3 vote).  David Adams made the point that if told no additional funding for non-profits until after the budget process and then could re-apply and today no funding, then possibly the budget would not have passed at full commission.  Tammy Pierchosky on being asked about how achieved improvements she stated they received a grant.


Role call on motion by Gayle Jones failed 6 – 1.


Old business – question raised by David Adams on inability to reach dog pound.  No answer to phone calls and no one staffing.


David Adams and Larry Worsham moved for adjournment.  Approved.