Chair Commissioner Judy Pruett opened the meeting asking Commissioner Roger Reedy to offer a prayer and lead the pledge. The minutes of 6 September 2024 were moved for approval by Commissioner Terry Jones, seconded by Commissioner James Lathrop, and were approved 6 – 1 with Commissioner David Adams voting no due to timing availability of minutes for his review. The Chair noted that the County Executive (CE) Graham Stowe, who was absent, had no announcements for the committee.
First Agenda Item – Budget Amendments. Financial Manager Beth Moore-Sumners asked County Trustee Tony Risner to explain a property tax reimbursement for Wal-Mart. Per his information, Wal-Mart through the courts had sued Tennessee counties for a refund of their over payment in 2017 – 2022 property taxes due to appealing their state property assessment. That refund applicable to Giles County totaled approximately $50K and was assessed to budgets of schools, highways and general funds (highway assessment covered in their existing budget). The school assessment totaled $15,797.15 and will be recouped from the fund balance. Questions on why just now the over payment being identified, the county trustee noted that the courts have just recently made the decision in Wal-Mart’s favor. He noted that a similar court case with Home Depot had been dismissed. A motion by Commissioner James Lathrop, seconded by Commissioner Roger Reedy, was made to approve and then discuss the overall amendment and motion was later approved for the total amendment. Other than the Wal-Mart Property Tax Reimbursement, the amendment also included an ESSER 3.0 transfer for equipment, a LEAPS grant, a Maintenance change with a contribution from Rackley Inc., and a worker’s compensation addressing an audit issue. The Maintenance amendment addressed a unit repair on the building the school will be renting for administrative functions (school will be renting approximately ¼ of the total building space). Since the rental agreement had not yet been signed which would have required the school to pay any maintenance required, Rackley graciously contributed the $9K cost of repair. Question on when the school administrative functions will be moving were answered by Dr. Beard, School Superintendent, that they expect to be in place by the 1st of the year.
County Commissioner Joseph Sutton who has had health problems thanked all in attendance for their care through visits, cards, calls and prayers.
With no other business to address, a motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Matt Rubelsky, seconded by Commissioner Terry Jones, and was approved unanimously.
ATTENDEES: Members of the Committee Chair Commissioner Judy Pruett, Other Commissioners David Adams, James Lathrop, Terry Jones, Matt Rubelsky, Joseph Sutton and Roger Reedy for Matthew Hopkins (absent) Other Commissioners in attendance: Evan Baddour, Joyce Woodard, Erin Curry, Gayle Jones, Tracy Wilburn, Carmen Brown, David Wamble, Tim Risner, Annelle Guthrie Others in attendance: Financial Manager Director and staff Beth Moore- Sumners, Shanna Woodard; County Trustee Tony Risner, County Medical Director Joe Fite, EMS Director and staff Bill Myers, Willow Chavez, Josh Young, Chris Morgan; Dr. Vickie Beard, and members of the public including Roy Griggs, retired Ambulance Director and Bill Young