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Property and Building Committee Meeting Minutes – September 25, 2024 (Unapproved)

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Chair Commissioner Tracy Wilburn opened the meeting asking Commissioner Terry Jones to offer a prayer and lead the pledge.  The minutes of 27 August 2024 were moved for approval by Commissioner Evan Baddour and seconded by Commissioner Caleb Savage and were approved unanimously.  The Chair asked the County Executive (CE) Graham Stowe if he had any announcements and the CE gave the following:  Some previously scheduled meetings will remain on the calendar while subsequent meeting times will adhere to the recently approved Rule XV scheduled times.  He noted the county’s website calendar will provide each meeting schedule.  He said the county and E911 attorneys are drafting a plan for the County-owned E911 building to transfer to the E911 Board, with the property reverting back to the county if/when the E911 Board were to ever vacate the building.  He discussed the various county leases, all with differing end dates, so he is looking at having all lease dates aligned together.  Next, it was mentioned that various school properties all had differing names on deeds; this is being corrected with having all the deeds quitclaimed to show all school properties deeded to the Giles County Board of Education.  Then he discussed two trees on the north courthouse lawn which arborists have assessed; both are dying and need to be removed.  Last, he mentioned a meeting with Mayor Magnuson in Ardmore this morning to celebrate coming improvements to Ardmore’s wastewater situation.  As an introduction to the committee’s agenda, the CE stated this was essentially a continuation of the work session where the Phase 1 Scope of Work was presented, and this meeting was to review a draft resolution with commission commitment on the scope of work.  Commissioner Joyce Woodard asked if there has been any more discussion having the highway meeting at the annex rather than the highway department.  The CE said he will be talking to the Road Superintendent about that possible change.

First Agenda Item – Courthouse Phase 1 scope of work (SoW).  A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Erin Curry, seconded by Commissioner Judy Pruett.  Commissioner Evan Baddour raised the discussion asking about the windows, do they all need to be replaced, with the other commissioners asking about do you need to replace all or just some; do they all need to be operable, i.e., able to be opened; interconnection between replacing the HVAC without doing more energy efficient windows at the time (which would potentially require more HVAC output,) or replacing both windows and HVAC at the same time with more efficient units, requiring less HVAC output; breakdown of the overall Phase I SoW cost.  Commissioner Baddour asked if any company, that fronts the total cost at the start and recoups that cost through fixed utility cost savings, was considered.  The CE mentioned a company Constellation Energy would be coming in the next week to provide their approach of recouping cost savings in utilities for other county facilities, but not the courthouse.  The CE also mentioned discussions with some of the Financial Management Committee members about how to fund Phase I, i.e., considering potential grants together with bonds or loans.  A motion by Commissioner Caleb Savage, seconded by Commissioner Tim Risner was made to amend previous motion to make all windows inoperable (in keeping with energy conservation and decisions on HVAC capability.)  Additional discussion included keeping about 10% open in case of fire and removal of smoke.  After discussion the amended motion was withdrawn.  Another motion by Commissioner Caleb Savage, seconded by Commissioner Tim Risner, was made to have the CE direct OHM (the engineering contractor) to eliminate operable windows.  This motion was withdrawn after discussion.  A final amended motion by Commissioner Caleb Savage, seconded by Commissioner Evan Baddour, was made that the windows where there is minimum time with individuals working would have inoperable windows, for example a courtroom.  A question on window security was answered with motion detectors being in place.  Amended motion approved.  Original motion was then discussed.  Commissioner Baddour raised the question of why the HVAC upgrade/replacement is not included in Phase I.  The CE answered that the Phase I projects were selected as the most pressing and being the “lowest hanging fruit”, i.e., can be accomplished timely, not necessarily dependent on other projects.  The CE said that a HVAC design was dependent on the commission’s decision for a potential criminal court, as that decision would impact HVAC design. Commissioner Evan Baddour mentioned the next election and how it might be more effective to get something done now, that the county with new commissioners might not get to Phase II.  The CE mentioned he would be getting with the engineering contractor soon to discuss Phase 2 schematic design.  The original motion was then approved.

Second Agenda Item – North Courthouse tree removal.  The CE referenced earlier discussion.  The Chair asked for any public comments (none).  Commissioner Erin Curry provided information on a pine tree in the courthouse green.  The tree was planted as the 10th million tree planted to celebrate the coming of TVA electricity to the community.  A suggestion by Commissioner Carman Brown, after being told the pine tree is dying, suggested perhaps a sapling could be replanted.  The CE mentioned some of the civic clubs might be interested in partnering on beautifying the courthouse green area.  Commissioner Joyce Morgan mentioned a well, that has a plaque on the top of the well, did supply water to the area in the 1900s and if going geo thermal, per Commissioner Brad Butler, might provide enough water to reduce the overall cost.  Commissioner Erin Curry mentioned serving on the Tree Board and said they are in the process of recertifying Pulaski as a tree city.  She also noted the AgPark will be used for commemorative trees, so a future option if the trees at the courthouse need to be removed.  Commissioner Evan Baddour discussed the last Advisory Group to the EDC meeting where 60 acres at Rocky Road were discussed as a walking trail site proposal, although other uses have been researched as well. 

Commissioner Caleb Savage said on the 7th at 9:00 a.m. a company will be at the EMS meeting to discuss the cardiac monitors.  Commissioner Evan Baddour asked about the fund Balance in October and what % will be place into Fund 171, General Capital Projects.  The CE said the Financial Manager Beth Moore-Sumners on 3 Oct will provide that information and that he has a draft resolution to address commission concerns over capital fund management.

With no unfinished or new business, Commissioner Caleb Savage moved for adjournment, and with Commissioner Tim Risner providing the second, the motion was approved unanimously.

ATTENDEES:  Members of the committee – Chair Commissioner Tracy Wilburn, Other Commissioners Judy Pruett, Tim Risner, Evan Baddour, Erin Curry, Caleb Savage, Brad Butler.  Other Commissioners in attendance – Joyce Woodard, David Adams, Shelly Goolsby, Gayle Jones, Carman Brown, Terry Jones, Annelle Guthrie, Matt Rubelsky  Other – County Executive Graham Stowe, members of the public.