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School Committee Meeting Minutes – April 5, 2024 (Approved)

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5 APRIL 2024

Chair Commissioner Shelly Goolsby opened the meeting and asked Commissioner Matt Rubelsky to offer a prayer and lead the pledge.  The minutes of 12 January 2024 were moved for approval by Commissioner Erin Curry, seconded by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins, and were approved unanimously.

The Chair then asked if the County Executive (CE) Graham Stowe had any announcements.  Those announcements were:  an email had been forwarded to commissioners addressing the open meeting act, and included some changes that had been made over the last few months, and again more recently now that the new county website has the ability to oost additional information such as PDF files and agendas. He thanked the local newspaper The Citizen for doing due diligence on showing information on areas such as commissioner meetings and posting on The Citizen  website.  The CE also referenced the Liquor by the Drink (LbD) issue, stating that a potential resolution would require 2/3 of Commissioners to approve before placing on the ballot, or a citizen petitioning process which also requires specific numbers to request placement on the ballot.  Re voters the CE noted that on the last LbD ballot approximately 5000 voted on the LbD issue out of the 7K total voters that same election.  Additionally that 7K voters were a partial of the total registered voters (19K).  The Chair noted that election was generally for city candidates and few of the state offices, and with no county candidates to be elected in that election, fewer people voted.  Commissioner Roger Reedy noted that many citizens look at the LbD as a moral issue, but he considered it an individual and county right to regulate it.  From his perspective, he explained that churches, daycare centers and other like community activities also have rights which would not be considered without placing distance requirements on establishments that do LbD.

Agenda Item:  The school budget amendment was provided as a handout and totaled $130,035.95 with Financial Manager Beth Moore-Sumners explaining that no additional funding was included for the amendment.  The amendment instead realigned with state guidance and within the current school general purpose fund in areas such as In Service/Staff Development, Pre K teachers, and LEAPS.  A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Erin Curry, seconded by Commissioner David Adams, and was approved unanimously. 

With no unfinished or new business, a motion by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins was made to adjourn, and with Commissioner Erin Curry providing the second, the motion was approved unanimously. 

Members of the Committee:  Chair Commissioner Shelly Goolsby, Commissioners: Matthew Hopkins (for Caleb Savage absent), Joseph Sutton, David Adams, Erin Curry, Terry Jones, Matt Rubelsky    Other Commissioners in attendance:  Tammy Mathis, Joyce Woodard, Rose Brown, Judy Pruett, Annelle Guthrie, Roger Reedy     Other in attendance:   County Executive Graham Stowe, Financial Management Director Beth Moore-Sumners, and Shanna Woodard, School Superintendent Dr. Vicki Beard, Members of the public