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Giles County Regional Planning Commission Meeting Minutes- January 7, 2025 (Approved)

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7 JANUARY 2025

Chair Andy Edwards opened the meeting asking Commissioner Terry Jones to lead the pledge and offer a prayer.  The Minutes of 4 November 2024 were moved for approval by Tommy Price, seconded by Commissioner Terry Jones, and were approved unanimously.  The Chair asked for any public comments and there being none, he opened the meeting for discussion. 

County Executive (CE) Graham Stowe mentioned a previous conversation with a Giles County citizen.  The individual has expressed concerns to the Commission about farm loss to development, and home buyers purchasing homes with little to no knowledge that their road is not a county-maintained road.  The individual is expected to attend the February Commission meeting.  The CE mentioned the county’s aversion to zoning which leaves only one tool to aid home buyers and developers being more fully informed, that being ensuring clarity of the sub-division standards, with a clear definition of what constitutes a subdivision.   Brian Marks who is a newer Commission member, and is also a developer, asked if the standards are generally addressing approval of county roads, through the highway department, for subdivisions.  And who enforces whether that is a county road, or when the developer chooses not to provide a county road.  The CE stated the Superintendent of Roads Gene Barnickle works with the developer to ensure the road is built to county specifications.  If however, the developer chooses not to provide a county-maintained road, the buyer has the responsibility to be fully informed about property/buildings he/she are buying, as well as maintenance responsibility for their private road.  The county’s enforcement of its standards would require the county contracting with an engineer and/or the filing of a lawsuit.  Several suggestions were considered, e.g., put information on county website (already done); enlarge acreage requirement for building a subdivision; look at setback, utility such as water/electric placement per dwelling; waste water/septic considerations; realty agents disclose (per Brian Marks not their wheel house); disclose on deed (beyond county authority), number of dwellings (subjective on most appropriate number, and again zoning); place requirement on person selling property.   

Tommy Pope mentioned a 15 acre parcel where the owner wanted to divide into 3 lots, and the state said that couldn’t happen.  Although that seemed illogical, not enough information was available.  The CE said he would look into that particular situation and provide clarification on why the state would make that determination.  Tommy Price mentioned a letter from a potential buyer of his property, stating it had strong potential for development.  He said he was surprised at that particular specificity. 

The CE encouraged all members to look at the current Sub-Division standard/policy to determine if there are gaps in clarity that need to be addressed, especially in light of the above discussions.  If a member has a recommendation, to provide to the CE for potential revision to the standards. 

The Chair asked if there was any unfinished or new business, although noting the above discussions had addressed those as well.  He asked that all look at the current standards and comments/recommendations will be considered at the next meeting.  The CE said that on the “right of way”, e.g., PES, utilities, he would take that on and provide at next meeting.  The CE also provided clarification on building on your property for family members, stating that is addressed in the standards.  Commissioner Gayle Jones said most of the discussion had centered on protecting the home buyer but it is up to the buyer to be informed.

A motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Caleb Savage, seconded by Tommy Price, and was approved unanimously.   

ATTENDEES:  Members of the Committee Chair Andy Edwards, Brian Marks, Tommy Price, Tommy Pope, (absent Kristen Pfeiffer, John Haislip, Connie Howell) and Commissioners Terry Jones, Caleb Savage and Annelle Guthrie. Other Commissioners in attendance Gayle Jones, David Adams, Tim Risner, Matthew Hopkins Other in attendance County Executive Graham Stowe