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Financial Management Meeting Minutes – February 27, 2025 (Unapproved)

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27 FEBRUARY 2025

Financial Management Chair County Executive (CE) Graham Stowe opened the meeting asking Commissioner Matt Rubelsky to offer a prayer and lead the pledge.  The minutes of 6 September 2024 were then moved for approval by Commissioner Matt Rubelsky, seconded by Road Superintendent Gene Barnickle, and were approved unanimously.  The CE then asked if there were any public comments, and there being none, moved to the first agenda item.

Asset Disposition.  Handout provided listing all assets for disposition and reason why disposition is pursued.  Financial Manager (FM) Beth Moore-Sumners noted that disposition can be made internally within the county, and all others must be placed for bid.  She further stated that under Tennessee law county assets can not be used in trade-ins, nor can be donated.  If there are no bids, only then can assets be disposed by county.  Commissioner Matt Rubelsky asked if any volunteer departments/organizations could use, specially about the cardiac monitors.  EMS Director Bill Myers noted that no volunteer organizations would use the monitors listed for disposal, and the FM noted that “a lot of things do sell”.  A motion by Commissioner Matt Rubelsky to approve the disposition and recommend to the full commission was made, seconded by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins, and was approved unanimously.  After the motion was approved, the CE noted there are stringent requirements on how you can dispose of county assets, but little on how you inventory county assets.  The FM noted that under $25K, the county department heads keep up with the inventory although she suggested send something out to the department heads for further guidance.  Gene Barnickle said that the highway department does inventory, and the CE noted that a lot of the assets depreciate fast, in particular electronic devices.  County Trustee Tony Risner noted that he had to sign off on Trustee inventory when he started as Trustee.  The CE took the discussion and a proposed action to be discussed further at a future Financial Committee meeting.

Write-off of uncollected property taxes.  Tony Risner said that the write-offs of uncollectible taxes total $138,834.85; these have been uncollectible for over 10-years, which by statute deems them permanently uncollectible.  When asked by Commissioner Judy Pruett on why these were uncollectible, Mr. Risner noted many are mistakes, lot of them are old, some are not collectible due to deaths/bankruptcies, and he said won’t know the exact amount for 2024 until April 2025.  Commissioner Evan Baddour commented on a previous write-off for the ambulance service and asked why not do annually for all departments.  The CE asked Tony Risner what he needed from this committee to approve his write-offs, and he responded that he needed a resolution from the full commission.  A motion by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins to do a draft resolution for submittal to the full commission was made, seconded by Commissioner Matt Rubelsky, and was approved unanimously.  The CE complimented the trustee on his efforts, in particular on his investment strategy. 

Sale of delinquent tax properties – Handout provided on Policy.   After selling the Milky Way county owned property, the CE said he had documented the process and developed a policy, reviewed the county attorney, that would be used in going forward when selling any other county property.  A motion by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins to approve the draft policy was made, seconded by Gene Barnickle, and was approved unanimously.  The CE said the policy would be included in the county’s financial management procedures. 

Chapter 7, Delivery, Billing, and Payment Cycle, Section 7, 7.1 – 7.8 was provided as a handout.  One change, (BOE-Invoices over $50,000 must be signed by Director or Assistant Director of Schools) applying to purchase orders for department heads, was recommended by the FM.  A motion to approve was made by School’s Superintendent Vickie Beard, seconded by Commissioner Tracy Wilburn, and was approved unanimously. 

New Business – the FM noted the considerable training already achieved and in process of her staff.  She also said that given the staff’s expertise and education that their job opportunities in other locations were excellent but she noted the retention is excellent as well.  Gene Barnickle asked about being reimbursed for training, since the highway department has some individuals doing their CDL training.  He noted they were paying for the training out of the highway department budget, but he questioned if there were other funds.  Commissioner Matt Rubelsky mentioned the county had done something similar for ambulance personnel.  Gene Barnickle also mentioned that the cost is $500 each since coming through the county but if did on their own would be $9K.  The CE said each department needs a professional training line and the FM also supported trying to put something in a “collective line item”.  Commissioner Matt Rubelsky thought there might be a lot of grants out there usually with a six month or year requirement to stay after completion of training.  Commissioner Hopkins thought they should stay at least a year, he said, but he also understood not totally binding.  Commissioner Evan Baddour asked if the county attorney had said not binding with Bill Myers saying have them sign a contract but even that wouldn’t be totally binding.  Commissioner Matt Rubelsky said paying for training is doing what’s best for our people. 

Commissioner Matthew Hopkins asked about capital project funds and their administration.  The CE said he he’d forwarded the policy but had received no recommended changes; he said he would put on the next agenda but asked for input on any recommended revisions.  The CE suggested all read the policy again, because the policy is specific that if capital funds are not obligated in the budget process then it will not be expended.  The CE then discussed the upcoming POP Board (Project Optimization) to document long-term capital needs, which is not just for the next fiscal year but for out-years, including annualizing the costs of >$50K acquisitions.  Commissioner Tracy Wilburn asked for a recap on how the 171-line item is funded, with the CE explaining the commission-approved fund balance policy, and that fund balances beyond 45% of the preceding year’s budget would be committed to 171.  Commissioner Tracy Wilburn asked if there was an upper limit on that line with the answer being no.  Commissioner Matt Rubelsky discussed the big picture, with considerable projects requiring funding and discussed where those funding dollars could be funded.  The CE said much of this should be discussed in the budget committee but agreed the commission needed to look beyond individual fiscal years, to look out at least 10-years for every department and capital facility.  Commissioner Tracy Wilburn asked if the Milky Way deed had been executed (yes) and mentioned whether there had been any discussion on other county owned properties.  The CE said he could bring a spreadsheet showing county properties to next meeting.  Commissioner Gayle Jones announced there would be a tax sale on the 14th.  Commissioner Evan Baddour asked if there were rules on how a county can invest funds; the CE stated that the Trustee was doing an exceptional job by investing in very safe and conservative state-backed funds that were earning much higher dividends than in the past.   The CE said Mr. Risner could speak to that in more detail.

A motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins, seconded by Commissioner Matt Rubelsky, and was approved. 

MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE:   Chairman County Executive Graham Stowe, Director of Schools Vickie Beard, Road Superintendent Gene Barnickle    Commissioner Members – Matthew Hopkins, Matt Rubelsky, Tracy Wilburn, (David Wamble – absent) Other Commissioners Attending:  Gayle Jones, Tim Risner, James Lathrop, Terry Jones, Carmen Brown      Others – Financial Manager (FM) Beth Moore-Sumners, Shana Woodard, School Superintendent Vickie Beard, Director Emergency Management Services Bill Myers, Trustee Tony Risner, Highway Department Assistant Road Superintendent Joe Parker, and staff Erin Harmon