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Budget Committee Minutes 8 July 24 (Unapproved)

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8 JULY 2024

Chair Commissioner Erin Curry opened the meeting asking Commissioner Matt Rubelsky to offer a prayer and lead the pledge.  The minutes of 10 May 2024 moved for approval by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins, seconded by Commissioner Judy Pruett; and 23 May 2024 moved for approval by Commissioner Judy Pruett, seconded by Commissioner Rose Brown, and were approved 6 to 1 respectively by roll call voting.  Commissioner David Adams voted no (reasoning that he had no capability to receive the minutes for review beforehand.)  Additionally, a correction to the 23 May minutes was noted correcting the term “TACM” to “TACN” for the Tennessee Advanced Communications Network.

The Chair asked County Executive (CE) Graham Stowe for any announcements and he provided the following:  He noted several pending committee meetings where decisions are required and mentioned preliminary information already provided to the commissioners to support the decision process, i.e., an upcoming E911 meeting to discuss building options, and a letter from OHM on options for the E911 facility based on Category 4 code requirements.  Re the courthouse upgrades/repairs, a draft resolution has been forwarded that addresses the way ahead for preparing the Phase 1 Scope of Work.   

The Chair mentioned that the balance of the non-profit requests will be considered in August and that she will contact each to provide a date for that meeting.

Next Agenda Item, Budget Amendments for the County General Fund and the General Purpose School Fund.  Financial Manager (FM) Beth Moore-Sumners mentioned the amendments noting they are generally “roll-overs” budget actions to capture those activities, e.g., purchase orders, that are outstanding from previous budget year and have been approved in that year, but for budget purposes have to be included in the current year budget.  Commissioner Matthew Hopkins initiated a discussion on which budget line-item interest on school bonds would be placed, referencing an earlier meeting where he understood that interest would be deposited, and if that bond could be paid off earlier.  An action was taken by the FM to look into whether that could be done, or not. The FM also mentioned a Homeland Security Grant requiring County approval.  A motion by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins, seconded by Commissioner Gayle Jones, to approve the County General Fund amendments shown on page 1 – 2 of the handout and to include the Homeland Security Grant was made and was approved unanimously.

Budget Amendment – General Purpose School Fund.  Commissioner James Lathrop asked for clarification on the differences in school requests for both equipment and software, noting the lesser amount for Elkton, and the larger amounts for Minor Hill and Bridgeforth.  The FM noted that some of that variance would possibly be explained by some schools such as Elkton purchasing in previous years.  A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Rose Brown, seconded by Commissioner Judy Pruett, and was approved six to one, with Commissioner Matthew Hopkins voting no. 

The Chair asked if there were any unfinished business (none).  Then a new contract for OEM on Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) that provides demographics information by subscription was discussed.  This subscription includes “addressing” and flood plain management, would be for three years funded annually, cost $17,600 annually, and locks in that amount.  Commissioner David Adams asked if the flood plain has increased for Giles County, with OEM Director Bill Myers saying yes, although the new map has not been officially adopted by the county.  Both the CE and the FM provided preliminary information on a short-fused need for the Jail’s HVAC system but the necessary information to make a decision was not yet available.  Areas discussed were how urgent is the request, why not identified before, what budget Line Item(s) could be used, time required for such a request, e.g., hiring a mechanical engineer to draft specifications for bid package.  No action required at this time. 

Other new business – Commissioner Joseph Sutton asked about the status of a grant possibility for an emergency storage facility, with the CE saying he would provide Commissioner Sutton with an update.

Adjournment was motioned by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins, seconded by Commissioner Gayle Jones, and was approved unanimously. 

ATTENDEES:  Members of the Committee – Chair Erin Curry, Commissioners Judy Pruett, David Adams, Gayle Jones, Matthew Hopkins, Terry Jones, Rose Brown Other commissioners in attendance – Shelly Goolsby, Joseph Sutton, Joyce Woodard, David Wamble, Matt Rubelsky, Dr. James Lathrop, Annelle Guthrie Other – County Executive Graham Stowe, Financial Manager Beth Moore-Sumners, Shana Woodard, School Superintendent Vickie Beard, OEM Director Bill Myers, and Public