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School Committee Meeting Minutes – September 6, 2024 (Approved)

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Vice Chair Commissioner Erin Curry (for absent Chair Commissioner Shelly Goolsby) opened the meeting asking for a motion on the 10 May 2024 minutes.  A motion by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins was made to approve, and Commissioner Terry Jones provided the second, and the motion was approved 6 to 1, with Commissioner David Adams passing.

With the school board’s previous approval, a motion to approve the school amendments on Line Items General Purpose School Fund and Cafeteria Fund was made by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins, seconded by Commissioner Matt Rubelsky, and was approved unanimously.  Dr. Vickie Beard discussed the state of disrepair of the facility used by the central office and her search across the county for a more suitable location.  While part of the central office is in a better state of repair, repairing the rest of the building in particular bringing up to code would be costly to a 1937 year old building, per Dr. Beard.  She identified a building near Giles County High that could be leased for four years from Rackley Technologies with the first option to buy or lease at the end of that period.  She further identified the lease cost as $3K a month, with mechanical care and grass cutting responsibility of the leasee, and there would also be moving and some modification expenses.  She noted that all costs can be covered within the school’s operating budget. A motion by Commissioner Evan Baddour was made to approve and with Commissioner Judy Pruett providing the second, the motion was approved.  Questions on how the move would take place included who would move first with Dr. Beard noting the IT function would be first and 8 people from the central office including her own would be the last to move.  Questions about the use of the existing current building were asked but the state of disrepair may preclude much in the way of return from the building but the site is adjacent to UTS and is a valuable site.

A motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Matt Rubelsky, seconded by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins, and was approved unanimously. 

ATTENDEES:  Members – Vice Chair Commissioner Erin Curry, Judy Pruett for  Chair Shelly Goolsby absent,  Other Commissioners, David Adams, Terry Jones, Matthew Hopkins, Matt Rubelsky, and Evan Baddour (for Joseph Sutton absent)   Other Commissioners attending –Joyce Woodard, Tracy Wilburn, Gayle Jones, Tim Risner, James Lathrop, David Wamble, Caleb Savage, Roger Reedy, Carmen Brown  Others attending – County Executive Graham Stowe, Financial Management Beth Moore-Sumners, Shana Woodard, School Superintendent Vickie Beard, EMS Director Bill Myers, Willow Chavez, and public Scott Stewart