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School Committee Meeting Minutes – November 6, 2023 (Approved)

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The Vice-Chair Commissioner Erin Curry chaired the meeting, in the absence of the Chair, Commissioner Shelly Goolsby.  Prayer and Pledge were offered/led by Commissioner Matt Rubelsky.  The Minutes of 8 September were moved for approval by Commissioner David Adams and seconded by Commissioner Terry Jones.  The Minutes were approved unanimously.


First Agenda Item – County Executive (CE) Announcements.  CE Graham Stowe provided the following:  the county’s new website development is going well and he expects a 1 Jan 2024 launch; the county’s courthouse annex conference room ceiling and lighting is being replaced, to include a projector; the courthouse alarm system is being assessed for improvenents; personnel policy has been reviewed by the county attorney (highway department has their own personnel policy) and available for Commission review; a reimbursable grant for the courthouse, e.g., door upgrades has a scope of work developed by Harvey Schwager, Director of Architecture – OHM.   An estimated cost of $30K would come from the Fund Balance until the grant reimbursement is received; bullet proof material will be included; County offices closed for Veteran’s Day; and the “residual fund policy” will be introduced in January.


2nd Agenda Item – Budget Amendments – Financial Manager Beth Moore-Sumners mentioned that the proposed amendments had been approved at the last School Board meeting.  Two amendments were provided, one for the General-Purpose School fund and the second for the Cafeteria School Fund.  The first amendment included a movement within the school’s budget of $32,493 for Special Education.  The second part of that amendment addressed a grant application for Special Education in the amount of $35,120.80.  The second amendment, for the Cafeteria School Fund, addressed Food Service Equipment, Food Supplies and Uniforms, with the cost of $765,100.  On questioning the proposed large expenditure, Dr. Vicky Beard, School Superintendent, answered that two major new offerings will be available to students.  Those being, a new pizza line, and the option for fruit smoothies, both requiring significant equipment and supply purchase.  She also mentioned the rising cost of food items and that all expenditures were carefully considered and needed.   Commissioner Evan Baddour discussed the potential state rejection of federal program funding each year for school lunch programs, currently being considered by a Tennessee legislative panel.  A motion by Commissioner Terry Jones, seconded by Commissioner David Adams, was made to approve both amendments.  Motion approved unanimously.


Old Business – Dr. Beard addressed the renovations to the schools, noting all HVAC is now in place.  A planned tour was mentioned for the Commissioners to visit the schools with the Thanksgiving week mentioned.  Dr. Beard noted the first Change order had been discussed.


New business – A security grant of $144,525 was discussed by Dr. Beard which requires additional approval.  Action was to be taken by Dr. Beard but will not happen until after December School Board Meeting.


A motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Mathew Hopkins, seconded by Commissioner Matt Rubelsky, and was approved unanimously.


ATTENDEES:  Members of the Committee – Vice Chair Commissioner Erin Curry, (Chair Commissioner Shelly Goolsby absent), Commissioners Terry Jones, David Adams, Mathew Hopkins for Caleb Savage – absent, Matt Rubelsky , Joseph Sutton, Other Commissioners in attendance:  Evan Baddour, Judy Pruett, Gayle Jones, Joyce Woodard, Dr. James Lathrop, Tammy Mathus, Annelle Guthrie, Tim Risner   Other Attendees:  County Executive Graham Stowe, Financial Management Director Beth Moore-Sumners,  Shanna Woodard, Liz Pate, School Superintendent Dr. Vicki Beard, Emergency Management Director Bill Myers, Sheriff Kyle Helton, Chief Deputy Brandon Beard, Captain Joseph Purvis, Hunter Knight, Assistant District Attorney, and members of the public