School Committee Meeting Minutes
7 MARCH 2025
Chair Commissioner Judy Pruett opened the meeting asking Commissioner Roger Reedy to offer a prayer and lead the pledge. The minutes of 14 January 2025 were moved for approval by Commissioner Terry Jones, seconded by Commissioner Matt Rubelsky, and were approved unanimously.
Budget Amendment – a handout was provided showing the General Purpose School Amendment. The amendment addressed medical insurance; certified substitutes; Pre K travel; SPARC Grant Payback (moved $25,676.82 from fund balance to a refund from effort initiated in 2023 which had to be paid back after end of grant due to ovesight); transportation insurance recovery. Total amendment was all within the school’s budget. A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Terry Jones, seconded by Commissioner James Lathrop, and was approved unanimously.
Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Matt Rubelsky, seconded by Commissioner Terry Jones, and was approved unanimously.
ATTENDEES: Members of the Committee – Commissioners Chair Judy Pruett, James Lathrop, Terry Jones, David Adams, Matt Rubelsky, Joseph Sutton, Roger Reedy (for Matthew Hopkins – absent); Other commissioners in attendance –Caleb Savage, Joyce Woodard, Gayle Jones, David Wamble, Shelly Goolsby, Tim Risner, Roger Reedy, Carman Brown, Annelle Guthrie, Tracy Wilburn, Rose Brown, Brad Butler Other in attendance – County Executive Graham Stowe, Financial Manager Beth Moore – Sumners and staff Shana Woodard, School Superintendent Vickie Beard, Trustee Tony Risner, EMS Director Bill Myers and staff Josh Young, and others and members of the public