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School Committee Meeting Minutes – January 14, 2025 (Unapproved)

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School Committee Meeting Minutes

14 January 2025

Chair Commissioner Judy Pruett opened the meeting wishing everyone a Happy New Year and addressing the spirit of commissioners by wishing for empathy, compassion, and an openness to listening to all viewpoints.  She asked Commissioner Roger Reedy if he would offer a prayer and lead the pledge.  The Minutes of 6 September 2024 were moved for approval by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins, seconded by Commissioner Terry Jones, and were approved unanimously.

With no public comments, and with County Executive (CE) Graham Stowe postponing his announcements until a later same day meeting, the Chair asked School Superintendent Vickie Beard to address the school’s budget amendments (provided in a handout).  The amendments addressed alignment with the state’s Integrated School Model across all Giles County schools; TVA grants; Instruction for educational assistants; a $3.500M transfer for Pulaski Elementary renovations from the school’s fund balance.  The three schools, e.g., Giles County High School, Bridgeforth, and Pulaski Elementary, educate 40% of the total student enrollment for the county; and the above amendment leaves approximately $4M and possibly a higher amount in the school’s fund balance at end of fiscal year; Transportation accident insurance recovery; and last, the bookkeeping amendment to move the $3.500M into the Education Capital Projects Fund #2 line item.  A motion by Commissioner Terry Jones to approve all of the above amendments was made, was seconded by Commissioner David Adams, and was approved unanimously. 

Financial Manager Beth Moore-Sumners mentioned that the lease agreement for the school administrative offices would be provided at the next full commission meeting.  Commissioner Terry Jones asked about the upcoming move status and Ms. Beard said that they expect the move to be completed by 1 February, except for an IT server, and noted maintenance and transportation would remain on the hill.  She also mentioned there would be a ribbon cutting for the renovations at the Giles County High School and invited all commissioners to attend.

With no old or new business to be discussed, a motion was made to adjourn by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins, seconded by Commissioner James Lathrop, and was approved unanimously.

ATTENDEES:  Members of the Committee – Commissioners Chair Judy Pruett, Matthew Hopkins, James Lathrop, Terry Jones, David Adams, Brad Butler for Matt Rubelsky (absent); Other commissioners in attendance – Evan Baddour, Caleb Savage, Joyce Woodard, Gayle Jones, David Wamble, Shelly Goolsby, Tim Risner, Roger Reedy, Erin Curry, Carman Brown, Annelle Guthrie  Other in attendance – County Executive Graham Stowe, Financial Manager Beth Moore – Sumners and staff Shana Woodard, School Superintendent Vickie Beard, Sheriff Joe Parvis, Deputy Woody Woodard, EMS Director Bill Myers and staff Josh Young, Willow Chavez, and others and members of the public