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Legislative Committee Meeting Minutes – July 11th, 2024 (Approved)

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11 JULY 2024

Chair Commissioner Matt Rubelsky opened the meeting in the courthouse annex asking a member of the public, Mr. Eddie Jones, to offer a prayer and lead the pledge. The minutes of 1 April 2024 were moved for approval by Commissioner Terry Jones, seconded by Commissioner Rose Brown, and were approved unanimously.

Under Announcements County Executive (CE) Graham Stowe offered, where desired, copying needs for the commissioners on committee information/handouts.  He also mentioned a “pause” on the “Big Top” storage facility that was being proposed by TEMA and Homeland Security.  The Chair asked if there were any public comments, and there being none, the CE asked that the printed copies of the committee rules provided as a handout and through email be brought to the full commission meeting the following Monday, 15 July 2024.

Agenda Item – Proposal to add “Comments and Announcements” to Commission Meetings.  The proposal addressed Rule II – Order of Business, and as shown on handout (listed alphabetically) (m) Comments and Announcements placed after (l) New Business and before (n) Adjourn.  Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Annelle Guthrie and seconded by Commissioner Caleb Savage.  Several commissioners who spoke said they thought this was redundant; that the current agendas allow already.  Others spoke on clarification of new business where decisions may be made typically after discussion/comments, and announcements which do not require a decision, but are simply announcements of future activities.  An amended motion by Commissioner Joyce Woodard, seconded by Commissioner Rose Brown, to strike “comments” and put as “announcements” only was approved 4 to 3 with Commissioners Terry Jones, Matt Rubelsky and Annelle Guthrie voting no.

Agenda Item – Commission Meeting Times.  The Proposal stated Committee Chairs shall hold meetings at 5pm or later; only exigent county business may instigate meetings that deviate from this schedule.  A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Caleb Savage and seconded by the Chair.  Commissioners who viewed this proposal favorably noted majority of Giles County personnel who work can’t attend the committee meetings; would allow such workers to run for office; committee meetings now are held at varying times (no consistency) and difficult for commissioners to schedule their professional duties around their county government duties; some liked 4 o’clock to allow no gap between working hours and meeting start time and thought this time would allow more citizens to attend (one noting that the committee meetings are where the major pros and cons of the issue are discussed).  For those commissioners who viewed this proposal somewhat unfavorably the following was noted:  Family activities, especially in summer time where children/grandchildren are involved, e.g., ballgames, are important and generally would conflict with the 5 o’clock requirement; to change, trying to be convenient for commissioners rather than citizens; when commissioners chose to run for election they affirmed on the application that their job would not interfere with their participation; some do not drive at night, especially in winter; would support people be required to keep facility open; if can’t make a meeting, there are three representatives for each district, so other can “sit in” for absent member.  The motion to approve the proposed time of 5pm or later failed 5 to 2 with only Commissioners Caleb Savage and Matt Rubelsky voting to approve.  The CE did note that the proposal would be brought to the full commission as a resolution.

Agenda Item – Reducing Commission from 21 to 14.  This agenda item was postponed to a later meeting, scheduled shortly after this meeting time constraints.  Also, since this item would not be implemented if approved until next election not as urgent. 

Agenda Item – Rule proposal to require committee review of resolutions (Rule XIII 13.1 and 13.2 and proposal to limit repetitive reviews of failed resolutions (Rule XIII 13.3.  This proposal addresses resolutions or amendments must be considered through the appropriate committee first unless time-critical; and also deals with failed resolutions.  Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Caleb Savage and seconded by Commissioner Rose Brown.  Discussion generally addressed failed resolutions, which stated any resolution that fails to pass the full commission on two separate occasions shall not be eligible for reintroduction until one year has passed from the date of the second failure.  Several examples were given from past experiences with several saying bringing up a failed resolution generally results in the same voting; CE noted three things were desired as a resolution for the meeting today (11 July 2024); most agreed should go through the committee.  An amended motion by Commissioner Terry Jones, seconded by Commissioner Joyce Woodard to separate out the paragraph, Rule XIII 13.5 Failed resolutions, was made and was approved.  A roll call vote was then taken on 13.1 and 13.2 was taken and was approved unanimously.  A roll call vote was then taken to approve 13.5 (failed resolutions) and was approved 5 – 2, with Commissioners Terry Jones and Annelle Guthrie voting no. 

With no old/new business a motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Caleb Savage, seconded by Commissioner Annelle Guthrie, and was approved unanimously. 

ATTENDEES:  Members of the Committee Chair Matt Rubelsky, Commissioners Terry Jones, Caleb Savage, Annelle Guthrie, Joyce Woodard, Judy Pruett, Rose Brown (for Evan Baddour – absent) Other Commissioners attending – Joseph Sutton, Tracy Wilburn, Matthew Hopkins, Gayle Jones, James Lathrop, Tim Risner, David Adams, Brad Butler, Shelly Goolsby Other – County Executive Graham Stowe, EMS Director Bill Myers, Josh Young, Dr.  Joe Fite, Medical Examiner and Public