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Legislative Committee Meeting Minutes – August 12, 2024 (Approved)

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Legislative Committee Minutes – 12 Aug 24

The Giles County Legislative Committee met on Monday, August 12, 2024 at

4PM in the Courthouse annex boardroom. Chairman Matt Rubelsky called the

meeting to order. County Executive Graham Stowe offered the prayer and led in

the pledge to open the meeting.

The first order of business was the approval of the July 11, 2024 Legislative

Committee’s minutes. Upon motion by Caleb Savage and seconded by Joyce

Woodard, the minutes were unanimously approved.

The second order of business was the proposed rule change to Rule XV. The

proposed change read as follows, “Committee Chairs shall convene committee

meetings as county business dictates or at the request of the majority of the

committee. School and budget Committees shall generally schedule meetings

on the Friday morning following School Board meetings. All other Committee

Chairs shall hold meetings at 4PM or later. Exigent county business may

instigate meetings that deviate from this schedule.” Shelly Goolsby (sitting in for Judy Pruett) made the motion to approve the rule change with a second by Caleb Savage. After much discussion concerning the desire to make committee meetings more accessible and easier to plan for, the proposed rule change passed 5-2 with Commissioners David Wamble (sitting in for Terry Jones), Evan Baddour, Shelly Goolsby, Caleb Savage and Matt Rubelsky voting yes and Commissioners Joyce Woodard and Annelle Guthrie voting no.

The next order of business was a resolution to dissolve the school committee.

Terry Jones made the motion to approve with Caleb Savage making the second.

Discussions ensued. Opinions ranged from those thinking the school committee

is a redundant pass through committee to those that have seen an improvement

in the relationship between the School Board and the County Commission since

adding the School Committee. After much discussion, the resolution to dissolve

the School Committee failed 4-3 with Commissioners Shelly Goolsby, Evan

Baddour, Joyce Woodard and Annelle Guthrie voting no and Commissioners

Terry Jones, Caleb Savage and Matt Rubelsky voting yes. 

With no other business, Evan made the motion to adjourn with Caleb providing

the second. Motion passed unanimously.

ATTENDEES: Members of the committee-Chairman Matt Rubelsky, Vice Chair

Evan Baddour, Secretary Terry Jones, Caleb Savage, Joyce Woodard, Shelly

Goolsby (for Judy Pruett) and Annelle Guthrie. Other commissioners in

attendance-Roger Reedy, Erin Curry, David Wamble, Brad Butler, Gayle Jones,

David Adams, Tim Risner, Matthew Hopkins and commissioner-elect Carman Brown. Other attendees-Graham Stowe, Scott Stewart and Bill Youn