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Highway Committee Meeting Minutes – July 16th, 2024

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Members Present: Chairman Tim Risner, Tracy Wilburn, Joyce Woodard, Matt Rubelsky, Roger Reedy, Shelly Goolsby and Rose Brown

Other members present: Gayle Jones, Erin Curry, Jim Lathrop, David Adams, Terry Jones, Annelle Guthrie, Brad Butler and Joseph Sutton

Also present: Barry Hyatt, Steve Kelley, Erin Harmon, Justin Crow and Juvy Ratliff

Meeting called to order at 9:00am.

Prayer and Pledge said by all.

Chairman Risner asked if there were any public comments. There were none.

Chairman Risner asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Joyce Woodard made a motion to approve. Matt Rubelsky seconded the motion. Motion was approved.

First Order of Business: Review of minutes from January 4, 2024 Highway Committee Meeting. Tracy Wilburn made a motion to approve the minutes. Roger Reedy seconded the motion. Motion was approved.

Second Order of Business: Bridge Memorials: Johnny Wayne Ratliff. Commissioner David Adams read the letter from the family of Mr. Ratliff requesting the bridge on Choate Creek Rd at the intersection of Bonee Rd. Johnny Wayne Ratliff was born on March 23, 1949. He passed away at the age of 75 on March 23, 2024 at the VA Medical Center in Nashville, TN. He was a native of Giles County. He served is country honorably in the U. S. Marine Corps during Vietnam at the rank of Corporal. He went on to join the Tennessee National Guard. He retired from Lorik Tools, was a member of Mars Hill Baptist Church where he served as a Deacon, choir member and Sunday school teacher for many years. Shelly Goolsby made a motion to approve the bridge dedication. Rose Brown seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion was approved.

A second bridge memorial request for Jimmy Newby was made. The family has requested the bridge on Baugh Rd going over the river. Commissioner Erin Curry read the letter of request. Jimmy Newby was a farmer in Giles County for over 50 years. He was  well-known and a respected pillar of the Elkton Community. He served our country in the National Guard. The first farm Mr. Newby purchased was on Baugh Rd in the late 70’s and this was to become his favorite of all the farms he owned. He lived on this farm for a few years before moving. Over the years he acquired land all over Giles County. Joyce Woodard made a motion to approve the bridge dedication. Tracy Wilburn seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion was approved.

Third Order of Business: Corrections to the 2024 Road List. Mr. Hyatt addresses the committee about changes needed on the road list. Over the years there had been some typo’s and misprints of the road list and one in question was Story Rd and Story Ln. Story Lane had the mileage listed as 0.40 which was corrected to 0.38. The road when measured years ago was measured by older devices which were not as accurate as today’s. The mileage for Story Rd had gotten mixed up with Story Ln several years back and was entered as .38 when in reality it was supposed to have been 0.25. Another road in question was Poling Drive. In January of 1999 when Poling Drive was first accepted into the Giles County Road List the county accepted 1400 feet of the road beginning at Maxwell Hill Rd. In November of 2003 there was an extension of 930 feet added to the road and accepted by the county .The old measuring devices at that time measured in tenths so that put the road at the nearest tenth. The correct measurement is 0.468 and at some point over the years a typo put it at 0.68 leaving the 4 off. The Highway has corrected the mistake and input Poling Drive at 0.47 on the mileage. Roger Reedy made a motion to accept the changes and corrections to the 2024 Road List. Tracy Wilburn seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion was approved.

Old Business: Mr. Hyatt lets the committee know that the state aid bridge project on Booth Chapel Rd over Hulsey Branch is now complete and open for travel. Also Mr. Hyatt states that on the state aid hot mix jobs since the completion of  Kerr Hill Rd, Buford Station Rd and Hurricane Creek Rd have been hot mixed as well and are complete. Big Dry Creek Rd is on the schedule to hopefully be completed in the next few weeks.

New Business: Big Dry Creek state aid bridge project is being delayed due to state aid funds being insufficient, but it is still in the works to be built during the next year. Commissioner Woodard asked about paving Veto and Alsup Rd. Mr. Hyatt responded that we will start our paving up in the next week or so and they will be moving that way.

Commissioner David Adams wanted to thank Barry Hyatt and Steve Kelley for the great job they have done for the past 20 years while in office.

Roger Reedy made a motion to adjourn. Rose Brown seconded the motion. Meeting Adjourned.