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Giles County Planning Commission Meeting Minutes – May 14, 2024 (Approved)

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14 MAY 2024

Chair Connie Howell stated this is a Public Hearing on potential revisions to the Giles County Subdivision Standards.  Additionally, per County Executive (CE) Graham Stowe the draft subdivision standards had been posted on the Giles County website, and for those unable to attend the public hearing, comments were solicited to be forwarded to publiccomment@gilescountytn.gov.  The CE stated no email comments had been provided.  Chair asked Commissioner Terry Jones to offer a prayer and lead the pledge.  Minutes of 8 April 2024 were moved for approval by Scott Stewart, seconded by Commissioner Terry Jones, and were approved unanimously. 

Next Agenda Item – Public Hearing on draft revisions to Subdivision Standards.  The Chair had asked that anyone of the public wishing to speak sign in and opened the meeting for public speaker(s).  Mr. Levi Taylor requested clarification on a developer issue, i.e., what required subdivision roads to match the particular county road where they meet.  Mr. Taylor identified several type roads, e.g., hot or cold mix asphalt,  tar and chip.  Road Superintendent Barry Hyatt in answering that question discussed timing of subdivision partial completions where only a few homes might first be built.  Later heavy volume from vehicles, such as concrete or lumber trucks needed for subsequent building, resulting in failure in some type roads due to that traffic.  He also discussed time needed for some roads to settle. 

Mr. Robert Brindley discussed some of the response timing in the proposed standards noting time required vs how often the Planning Commission meets.  The Chair noted the timing mentioned is for the Planning Commission to respond rather than the developer, with the CE mentioning that in some cases an engineering contract might be required for the review, and that the timing is consistent with other counties.  The Chair also noted that if the review is not done within the time specified, the request is approved.  Scott Stewart noted the major changes within this proposed standard have to do with getting other approvals, such as utilities, in place.

The Chair gave considerable emphasis on wanting to ensure the public addressed any concerns they might have.  Mr. Steve Gordon asked about building permits especially when splitting land and applicable deed.  The CE noted Carol Wade, County Clerk, was able to assist with building permits, and emphasized that building permit requirements were regulated by the state, not the county. After some discussion about the 3 Star program, which provides greater advantages in grants, the Chair closed the public hearing part of the meeting. 

Next Agenda Item – draft revision to Subdivision Standards.   Scott Stewart moved that the draft revision be approved, and Commissioner Terry Jones seconded that motion.  Discussion followed with Kristen Pfeiffer providing two editorial changes, in three places timing showed a conflict with one showing 14 days and two showing 15 days.  That was changed to 15 days in all three places.  She also noted a discrepancy showing who would approve, i.e., Secretary or Chair, and that was changed to Secretary of the Planning Commission in all places.  A motion by Kristen Pfeiffer, and seconded by Commissioner Terry Jones, was made to allow those changes.  The original motion to approve the draft, with those changes, was unanimously approved.  Per the CE the draft will now be considered in the 27 June 2024 full commission meeting with the Planning Commission’s recommended approval. 

The Chair asked if there were any unfinished or new business and there being none, she stated the next meeting would be 4 Jun 2024, and there would be no meeting in July.  Scott Stewart moved for adjournment and with Tommy Pope providing the second the meeting was adjourned.

ATTENDEES:  Members of the Planning Commission Chair Connie Howell, Tommy Pope, Malcolm Moore, Kristen Pfeiffer, Scott Stewart, (absent Tameika Russell John Haislip, Bill Myers), Commissioners Annelle Guthrie, Terry Jones, (absent Erin Curry);  Other Commissioners attending – Evan Baddour, Gayle Jones, David Adams; Other – County Executive Graham Stowe, Road Superintendent Barry Hyatt, Steve Kelley, Public (Speakers Levi Taylor, Robert Brindley, Steve Gordon)