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Emergency Services Committee Meeting Minutes – March 3, 2025 (Unapproved)

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3 MARCH 2025

Chair Commissioner Caleb Savage opened the meeting asking for a motion on the October 2024 minutes.  Prayer and pledge given is another meeting same day.  Commissioner David Wamble moved that the minutes be approved, and with Commissioner Annelle Guthrie providing the second the minutes were unanimously approved. 

Minor Hill EMS station – Emergency Services Director Bill Myers provided the following information supported by a handout showing a needs assessment to locate an emergency response station in the Minor Hill area.  He mentioned he had been asked to look into such a station several months ago and at that time an existing building was being considered, along with rehab of the building.  He also had a drawing he said for a new building which he had modified with a second bay.  Recently the existing building has sold.  The cost estimate for a new building is in the range of $1.250M – $1.620M with recurring costs of personnel and equipment being in the range of $750K – $890K.  Director Myers explained the recurring cost range generally being about whether you hire 4 EMTs and 4 Paramedics in the mid-range or all 8 at the top of scale.  The estimates also include training and unforms among other costs such as supplies.  Commissioner James Lathrop asked if this building would require Category 4 structure with the answer being definitely yes.  Commissioner Shelly Goolsby asked if the station would be manned at all times, with Director Myers saying yes although sometimes the vehicles might have to answer calls in the city.  Commissioner Roger Reedy asked if the other stations not built to Category 4 standards would now be disqualified with Director Myers saying they would not be disqualified due to being “grandfathered in” as stations.    EMS Chief Willow Chavez gave statistics on calls coming in from cities/towns and noted Pulaski’s zip code represents 72.44% of all calls. 

Director Myers on being asked about number of trucks available noted that EMS has 8 trucks, but some are in need of repair.  He also noted the staff is currently working 24 on and 72 off; some work part time, but some do Overtime.  Chief Chavez said there is a 48-hour fatigue policy and they have some staff that work two fulltime jobs, with one of those jobs being outside county hire.  Commissioner David Adams asked if EMS is now fully staffed, with Chief Chavez noting they are currently 4 short but will be filling at least a couple of those vacancies shortly.  She mentioned a previous restriction where out of state staff could only work six months but that has been changed.  She said she can now pull from other states although she mentioned the cost of work license in other states.  She currently has 2 from Alabama and 3 more coming under contract.  Commissioner David Adams asked about the cardiac monitors and was told they were placed on the truck last week.  Commissioner Terry Jones asked about placing the old monitors in reserve with Director Myers said they would have to be reviewed, although Finance Manager Beth Moore-Sumners mentioned they may already be posted on the government website for sale.  Commissioner Evan Baddour asked do we own any other property in the Minor Hill locations with Commissioner Tracy Wilburn saying no, although the school had been willing to deed some property behind the school about 6 years ago.  Commissioner David Wamble said Minor Hill school is the only county school with no near ambulance service.  The Chair said staffing would be needed for the station, and might be difficult getting staffing for all times.  Chef Chavez spoke to the retention being pretty good and North Alabama staffing could help.  Although the next POP meeting is not yet scheduled, the Minor Hill Station will be brought up at that meeting, per County Executive Graham Stowe.

Equipment Replacement Program – EMS Director discussed a handout that showed recurring capital items and discussed setting aside funds on an annual basis to better anticipate and fund these expenditures. 

Vehicle Replacement – Director Myers said he is considering diesel fueled vehicles.  Commissioner Matthew Hopkins asked if there any restrictions on how many miles can be driven before replacement of the vehicles with the Director saying they are inspected at least annually, or every 30K miles after a vehicle registers 200K miles, whichever first occurs.  The inspections are fee based by dealer in Lewisburg and currently Maury County may have someone who could do the inspections (The cost is currently $230 per vehicle plus driving time.) Director Myers mentioned another cost saving initiatve that being installing a driving monitor which has already saved money in replacing brake pads rather than waiting and having to replace brake rotors.  Director Myers also mentioned the current estimate of two years or more to get remounts for the ambulances.   Re the setting aside funding for future capital buys, Commissioner Evan Baddour said commissioners would still have the option to deliberate on what you actually buy.  Director Myers said he would typically recommend 2 or 3 options and the CE said the county needs to end the practice of purchasing non-recurring capital equipment from the fund balance.  He noted the Sheriff is also thinking ahead as is the Road Superintendent with all big capital purchases.  The Chair noted the savings would be there but the final decision would go through the budget committee on to the full legislative body.  The FM said there are two ways, one reserving funds in the 101-line item but restricted for general categories, or place in 171 and do in the yearly budget process. Commissioner David Wamble said he likes planning ahead but not taking away commissioner decisions.  Commissioner Tracy Wilburn asked, re restricted budget, why tie yourself down.  The FM discussed the flexibility in having a line item like the 171-line item, generally restricted only at a higher general specificity.  Commissioner Tim Risner said that the school board does a similar action, putting savings into a capital fund.  Commissioner Judy Pruett recapped her understanding of the POP Board, i.e. they prioritize requirements, and anticipate which FY the expenditure will be needed.   A motion to move to the budget committee next month and then to the full commission the CY 2025 $407K for the emergency services equipment replacement program ($107K) and for the vehicle replacement program ($300K).  Motion by Commissioner David Wamble, seconded by Commissioner James Lathrop and after asking if the public had any comments (none), the motion was approved unanimously.

CE updates – Safe space grant.  The CE said the building will be FEMA funded and the design is limited to a “shell”, limited HVAC and facilities, funded and designed solely to be used during a disaster, for a temporary use.  The county is not contributing to this, as it is 100% grant funded and must meet strict FEMA criteria.  The CE noted the bathrooms would not be enough bathrooms for events.  Commissioner Tracy Wilburn asked if this would be a Category 4, and with the answer being it’s under a different code than ambulance facilities but it is designed to withstand weather events, Commissioner Wilburn asked for cost, which was noted as being available as the design process progresses.  Commissioner Matt Rubelsky asked if the current concession stand would be torn down with the CE saying that shouldn’t be done unless the county or clubs determine funding to add a new concession add-on to the SAFE building.  Commissioner Gayle Jones asked if the safe space could be used for other things with the answer being yes.

Old Business (none) New Business Commissioner Joyce Woodard asked that if there are handouts, that enough copies be available for all commissioners in attendance. She noted the helpfulness in having the handouts and any questions that might be asked from those handouts. 

Next meeting scheduled for 1 April.

A motion by Commissioner James Lathrop to adjourn, and seconded by Commissioner Carman Brown, was approved unanimously. 

ATTENDEES:  Members of the Committee Chair Commissioner Caleb Savage, Other Commissioners:  Annelle Guthrie, Carman Brown, Joseph Sutton, Brad Butler, David Wamble, James Lathrop   Other Commissioners in attendance:  Rose Brown, Shelly Goolsby, Joyce Woodard, Terry Jones, David Adams, Judy Pruett, Tracy Wilburn, Tim Risner, Matthew Hopkins, Roger Reedy, Matt Rubelsky, Gayle Jones, Evan Baddour  Other Attendees:  County Executive Graham Stowe, EMS Director Bill Myers, Other EMS: Willow Chavez, Josh Young