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Budget Committee Minutes – October 1, 2021 (APPROVED)

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ATTENDEES:  Chairperson Erin Curry, Gayle Jones, Terry Harwell for Judy Pruett (absent),Roger Reedy, David Adams for Tim Risner (absent), David Wamble, Larry Worsham Other:  County Executive Melissa Greene, Other Commissioners:  Harold Brooks, Rose Brown, Brad Butler, Mike Cesarini, Stoney Jackson, Duane Jones, Tommy Pollard, Joseph Sutton, Joyce Woodard Other Gvt: Beth Moore-Sumners, Financial Management; Dr. Vicki Beard, School Superintendent, Knox Vanderpool and Joe Parker, School Board, Scott Stewart Pulaski Citizen

(No prayer and pledge since done in previous Agri-Park meeting.)        5 August 2021 minutes were approved after motion by Larry Worsham and seconded by  Roger Reedy.

First Agenda Item – Non-Profit Application Chairperson Curry noted that Joyce Woodard had done the effort reducing the application from 5 or 6 pages down to 2.  Previously it was voted that the application must be approved by the full commission.  David Adams moved that the application provided in this meeting be sent to the full commission and Larry Worsham provided the second.  Discussion followed:  David Wamble wanted to put a date on the application, that being when the full commission approves the form.  Gayle Jones mentioned that previously number of copies had been discussed as 10 copies, to show in paragraph 11.  A suggestion to include a receipt be provided to the applicant should be on the form, with the understanding it is up to the applicant to ask for that receipt.  Erin asked if Joyce would now update the form.  Motion to approve the form with discussed changes, i.e. copies 10, date on application, and receipt notice, was approved.

2nd Agenda Item – County Health Insurance Beth Moore-Sumners provided the following information:  recommended the county absorb the $39K estimated to cover the increased cost of county employee insurance for 7 months.  This would increase the individual policy cost paid by the county to $697.  Gayle Jones asked did anyone know how this compares to the average Giles County citizen’s cost.  Several were willing to share, but David Adams pointed out the County’s cost has to do with having older employees, putting Giles in a different tier.  Mike Cesarini asked, if an employee chooses a different insurance supplier, does the county provide a check equal to the $697 others have toward their insurance.  Beth replied no.  David Wamble moved, and Terry Harwell seconded that the rate be increased to $697.  Motion approved.  Beth also mentioned that a notice will be in the paper shortly for an RFQ for quotes for an employee insurance broker.

3rd Agenda Item – School 141 Amendment

A motion by David Adams and seconded by Larry Worsham to move $2M from BLI 141General Purpose School to BLI 178 School Capital Projects #2 was made and approved.

4th Agenda Item – School Project Funding

In a previous discussion the funding was rounded up, and Stoney Jackson commented that the County doesn’t round up; that the exact requirement should be considered and any increase taken up at a later time, if required.  County Executive Melissa Greene provided a graph showing the initiation of the $12.7M project in June ’22 and ending in Dec ’23, plotted by project balance, project account balance, and school fund balance.  This graph showed the cash flow requirements indicating that given over-collecting as well as the $2M movement above that the school could fund the first part of this project and still maintain a reasonable fund balance, around $3M, without the County having to consider other ways of funding at this time.  She stated there are considerable assumptions built into the graph, but they don’t need the total $12.7M right now.  In addition, COVID adds an additional level of uncertainty in building timelines.  She did emphasize however that the county needs to be in agreement that when the timing is right the county supports the $12.7M.

A motion by David Adams and seconded by Terry Harwell noted agreement with Melissa’s assessment of the timing need for the total $12.7M.  Some considerations were raised by Knox Vanderpool, Chairman of the School Board.  Buses are being purchased (and note was made of conserving some of the buses during COVID), roofs are still to be funded from maintenance, and Maintenance of Effort (MOE) when state raises teacher salaries.  Beth stated those are timelines (raises) in the future, e.g. 1 ½ years, and the over collection, estimated at $1.8M, more than covers that so don’t need to do right now.  Roger Reedy discussed UV lights (kill certain viruses) and HVAC improvements potentially being funded from COVID type grants, and Melissa replied rules for those grants have been pushed out, again, for another month and a half.  She further said there may be some improvements that can take advantage of those grants funding something else and freeing funds for some of this improvement.  Gayle Jones asked about the reduced number of students and did that affect the BEP funding from state.  Dr. Beard said not this year.  Motion above by David Adams and seconded by Terry Harwell was amended to show the school’s fund balance should not fall below $3M.  Motion approved.

New Business Beth informed the committee that a state mandate for judges’ salaries based on the 2020 census for Giles County which increased the population will now be increased including backpay. Stoney Jackson stated that litigation costs could also be increased to cover the salary increase.

David Adams motioned, and Larry Worsham seconded for adjournment.  Motion approved.