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21 MARCH 2022


Chairman Stoney Jackson called the meeting to order asking for a motion on the 4 March 2021 minutes.  David Adams moved for approval with Larry Worsham providing the second.  Minutes were approved.


First Item –Audit for year ending 30 June 2021.  Per Beth Moore-Sumners the findings from the audit are no longer being provided in a hard copy.  All are shown on the State Comptroller’s website and the link to that website was provided by e-mail, i.e.  https://comptroller.tn.gov/office-functions/state-audit.html  Per Beth the audit covers all county, highway, school funds and all clerks’ fees.  There were no audit findings requiring any corrections.  Per Beth the auditors usually work in stages, typically two times a year.  They pull samples selected from all funds, and may ask later for more samples.  Giles County closes the accounting books by the 20th of July in preparation for the audit.  At this time Erin Curry congratulated both Beth and her staff on an exemplary effort.


Chairman Jackson then asked for any questions from the committee members, or from the attending commissioners.  Joseph Sutton asked if this year was representative of previous years, and Beth answered that since she had been Financial Management Director there had been only two, one with the animal shelter and one with highway funding.  Stoney mentioned that the Audit Committee was required to meet twice a year, one being with the auditors themselves so that questions could be asked.  Given COVID the committee had not met in that length of time.  David Adams asked about the dog pound (animal shelter) and what were the results.  Beth answered that there is still an ongoing investigation but the audit portion has been resolved, as had the highway portion.


With no more questions, Bill Cary moved for adjournment with Rodney Journey seconding.  Motion approved.


Attendees:  Audit Committee Chairman Stoney Jackson, Larry Worsham, Bill Cary, David Adams, Rodney Journey, Brad Butler, Harold Brooks/Other Commissioners Erin Curry, Joyce Woodard, Tracy Wilburn, David Wamble, Mike Cesarini, Tim Risner, Roger Reedy, Duane Jones, Gayle Jones, Tommy Pollard, Rose Brown, Joseph Sutton, Terry Harwell, Judy Pruett/Other County Executive Melissa Greene, Financial Management Beth Moore-Sumners, Nancy Griffin, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Vicki Beard, Highway Department Barry Hyatt, Steve Kelly, Ambulance Roy Griggs, and members of the public