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A great place to live for more than 2oo years!

The necessities of daily living are available at locally operated and national chain stores and restaurants throughout the county. Quaint shops, bed and breakfast inns and comfortable motels serve visitors. There’s even an airport for private planes and company jets. Family doctors, specialists, nursing homes, assisted living facilities and medical complexes serve the community’s health care needs. In addition to local and touring theatrical and musical offerings at historic Antoinette Hall, major cultural and entertainment opportunities are within an hour’s drive from Pulaski.

See our Vision & Mission statement here.

Quality of Life

The necessities of daily living are available at locally operated and national chain stores and restaurants throughout the county. Quaint shops, bed and breakfast inns and comfortable motels serve visitors. There’s even an airport for private planes and company jets. Family doctors, specialists, nursing homes, assisted living facilities and medical complexes serve the community’s health care needs. In addition to local and touring theatrical and musical offerings at historic Antoinette Hall, major cultural and entertainment opportunities are within an hour’s drive from Pulaski.

Economically Favorable

The cost of living is low in Tennessee partly because the state has no income tax! Additionally, housing and land costs are reasonable in Giles County, enabling homeowners to purchase more house and more land with less investment than in other areas.

Proud Heritage

The community celebrates its heritage with the Giles County Historical Museum and Genealogical Research Room; four National Register of Historic Places Districts and more than 30 individually listed properties; annual historic home tours throughout the county; the Sam Davis Museum and the Trail of Tears Interpretive Center in Pulaski; as well as active veterans, heritage and auxiliary organizations. Giles County supports the Old Records Department as an official function of local government.

Pleasant Climate

Giles County’s moderate climate offers mild winters, pleasant springs, long summers and picturesque autumns. Rainfall averages 42.91 inches, and snowfall averages 6.3 inches.

Business Community

More than 40 manufacturers, including Fortune 500 companies and Fortune 100 companies, make their home in Giles County because of the excellent work force, access to roadways and a favorable financial climate. For almost 60 years Giles County has continued to expand its industrial and business base. Giles County has long been the annual recipient of the prestigious Governor’s Three Star Award for economic excellence.

Educational Opportunities

Giles County is a family-oriented community with more than 5,000 children. There are eight schools in the K-12 public system with an average pupil-teacher ratio of 20:1 and teachers who really care about their students. The schools offer computer labs, accelerated reading programs and a variety of sport, vocational and academic competitions. Other educational offerings include numerous pre-schools, an active homeschool group, Tennessee College of Applied Technology at Pulaski and University of Tennessee Southern.  The Giles County Public Library offers classes and other learning experiences for children and adults.

Four Seasons of  Outdoor Recreation

Outdoor enthusiasts enjoy hunting the large populations of deer and turkey as well as other game animals and birds; fishing and boating in local waters, along the nearby Tennessee River and in area lakes. They may receive free hunter safety instruction; join local chapters of numerous national outdoor hunting and fishing associations; participate in AKC canine field events and old-fashioned ham and turkey shoots or practice at public shooting activities and ranges. Others spelunk the area caves and explore the terrain with ATVs and 4-wheel vehicles.

“We love the city of Pulaski. It has been our home for over 30 years. Everyone is so friendly and quick to help out whenever you’re in need. This community is wonderful.”
Stephen Avery, Chief Transport Officer
Dart Transport Services

More About Giles County

Founded: 1809
Population 2019: 29,464
County Seat: Pulaski
Cities: Ardmore, Elkton, Lynnville, Minor Hill, Pulaski
Area (Square Miles): 610.9
Time Zone: Central Time Zone
Grand Division: Middle Tennessee

Demographic Information