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Giles County Regional Planning Commission Meeting Minutes – March 4, 2025 (Unapproved)

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4 March 2025

In the absence of both the Chair and the Vice-Chair, Commissioner Terry Jones chaired the meeting, and he asked Tommy Price to offer a prayer and lead the pledge.  The minutes of 4 February 2025 were moved for approval by Commissioner Annelle Guthrie, seconded by John Haislip, and were approved unanimously.  County Executive (CE) Graham Stowe was asked if he had any announcements and he did not.  While there were no specific items on the agenda, Commissioner Terry Jones opened the meeting to general discussion. 

Based on a previous Planning Commission Meeting the potential attendance of Mr. Brennan Hood, a representative of the Giles County Health Department, Office of Water Resources, a Division of TDEC was discussed.  Mr. Hood was expected to provide clarification on an alluded state provided definition of a sub-division requirement, and the CE said he would ask for his attendance for the April meeting. 

Unfinished business (none).  Public asked for comments and one individual, who had attended the Law Enforcement meeting, asked how many inmates are currently housed in the county jail.

New Business (none).  Committee member John Haislip moved for adjournment and with Committee Member Tommy Price providing the second, the motion was approved unanimously.

ATTENDEES:  Members of the Committee Chair in attendance Commissioner Terry Jones, other Committee members – Tommy Price, John Haislip, Brian Marks (absent Chair Andy Edwards, Kristen Pfeiffer, Tommy Pope, Connie Howell) Commissioners Annelle Guthrie (absent Caleb Savage) Other Commissioners in attendance Tim Risner, David Adams Others County Executive Graham Stowe and member of the public