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Budget Committee Meeting Minutes – September 6, 2024 (Unapproved)

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            Chair Commissioner Erin Curry asked for a motion on the school budget amendments previously approved same day school committee meeting.  Commissioner Terry Jones moved for approval, and with Commissioner Judy Pruett seconding, the school budget amendments were approved.  The chair then asked for a motion on the 24 July 2024 and the 9 August 2024 minutes.  Commissioner Terry Jones moved for approval and with Commissioner Matthew Hopkins providing the second, both minutes were approved.  A motion to approve the General Fund and the Cafeteria amendments was made by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins, seconded by Commissioner Terry Jones, and was approved unanimously.  The public was invited to speak but there were no public comments.

The POP was considered from the same day Financial Management Committee meeting.  –These projects identify department needs beyond the fiscal year, and do not fit into the annual budget. 

  1. Upgrade to Annex – The County Executive (CE) Graham Stowe answered questions, e.g., should we consider this upgrade given the possibility the bank might forego the lease in the future, with the CE saying the lease is through 2027 and the upgrades would enhance security regardless of occupancy.  Commissioner Roger Reedy said even if we “negated” the bank, we would still need the security.  The upgrades are to secure the elevator, and stairwells from hallways, and there is no current way to do that.  Question – When would the work start, with CE responding no earlier than spring.  Would there be key cards, with the CE saying no, that would increase the cost significantly, will use designated keys, but there’d be a mechanism for remotely locking down.  A motion to approve was made by Commissioner David Adams, seconded by Commissioner Terry Jones to approve this project.  Motion approved. 
  2. County IT – The CE commented that the first year would be funded from the General Fund Balance ($35K starting this fiscal year for ½ year), and then $70K as recurring for future years would be included in operating budget.  Commissioner Gayle Jones asked where would the individual’s office be, with the CE stating probably the basement OEM Room.  The CE said he has a job description and the fully loaded cost would be for a full year – $70K.  Commissioner David Wamble asked if a car would be furnished with the CE saying no car would be furnished.  A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Judy Pruett, seconded by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins.  Motion approved for $35K.   
  3. Time Keeper Software – Financial Manager (FM) Beth Moore-Sumners said the annual recurring cost would be $37,506, with $18,753 for time started this fiscal year, and $81,400 from Budget Line Item 171 for the capital equipment required.  Questions covered maintenance cost, if any (since buying outright not included in recurring cost estimate); how long would the equipment last, with Commissioner Matthew Hopkins noting possibly five years as a minimum time; Re increase in cost after five years are up, so perhaps holding county “hostage”,with Commissioner Hopkins noting that we would keep our own data.  The FM said she would like to have Commissioners Hopkins and Baddour involved in the contractual process due to their specific expertise, and the FM said the county attorney would also be involved.  Dr. Beard raised the question of optioning out at some time after contract award with FM saying there could not be an opting out possibility.  She did note that this software would help with audit findings.  A motion by Commissioner Terry Jones, seconded by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins, to approve providing recommendation to full commission was made and was approved. 
  4. EMS Day Truck – Motion to approve made by Commissioner Evan Baddour, seconded by Matthew Hopkins, to approve the hiring of two personnel to operate the EMS day truck.  While the revenue from this service is expected to offset the cost, questions on how firm would that estimate be were raised.  Per Commissioner Caleb Savage, these patients have already been vetted by the hospital, and currently there are a lot of dollars being lost due to unavailability of the county’s service.  Ms. Willow Chavez noted that the individuals would work four days, 10-8 shifts.  After Commissioner Evan Baddour read from the hospital’s support letter, the motion was approved.
  5. Cardiac Monitors – The CE noted this is a pay now or pay later option.  Currently there are different monitors on different trucks, some nearing life expectation time, and training required (difficult with different monitors).  The Chair noted that county would fund this from the Budget Line Item 171.  Potential grants were discussed noting only one found (FEMA) but odds getting one were slim and the funding was limited.  The CE noted that in October the FM would look at what the county didn’t spend during the  previous budget year and would put transfer funds back into fund balance and 171.  A motion by Commissioner Evan Baddour, seconded by Commissioner Gayle Jones, was made to postpone this purchase for additional time to consider.  Mr. Bill Myers provided the information that the batteries that are failing currently cost $1k per battery.  Ms. Willow Chavez also noted there would be another cost increase in November per recent email.  A motion to call for the question was made by Commissioner David Adams, seconded by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins, and was approved 5 -2.  A motion by Commissioner Judy Pruett, seconded by Commissioner Evan Baddour was made to approve the postponement. 

At this time a question arose about sending all to the full commission, with the CE saying that those funds coming from Fund 171 didn’t need a budget amendment.  The FM noted it is no different than how the schools use Fund 189 and there is no budget amendment.  At this time there was a lot of disagreement on how 171 funds could be expended without commission approval.  A motion by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins, seconded by Commissioner Evan Baddour to send all five projects to the full commission.  Some discussion centered on a limit as to what could be spent from 171 without the full commission took place, although other departments, i.e., the Highway and Schools, often spend within their budget significant budgeted amounts without bringing to the full commission.  The motion was approved unanimously.  The CE stated he would draft a resolution that clarified Fund 171 management and accountability, that would be brought to the next budget meeting. 

Unfinished or New business.  The Chair noted this would be her last time to chair the budget committee.  She wanted the new chair to understand as chair you would also serve on the Opioid, Financial Management, EDC, and the Budget committees.  She also encouraged that person to spend time with the FM staff as they would be most helpful.

A motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Gayle Jones, seconded by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins, and was approved unanimously.

ATTENDEES:  Members of the Budget Committee – Chair Erin Curry, Commissioners Judy Pruett, David Adams, Gayle Jones, Matthew Hopkins, Terry Jones, Evan Baddour Other commissioners in attendance Joyce Woodard, Matt Rubelsky, Dr. James Lathrop, Tim Risner, Roger Reedy, Carmen Brown, Tracy Wilburn, Caleb Savage, David Wamble   Other – County Executive Graham Stowe, Financial Manager Beth Moore-Sumners, Shana Woodard, Road Superintendent Gene Barnickle, and members of the non-profit organizations