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Advisory Working Group for Economic Development Meeting Minutes – August 5, 2024 (Unapproved)

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4 AUGUST 2024

County Executive (CE) Graham Stowe opened the meeting asking Commissioner Matt Rubelsky to offer a prayer and lead the pledge.  The CE gave the reasoning as to why this advisory group was needed and what their mission was.  He explained that although two commissioners served on the Economic Development Commission (EDC), there had been limited opportunities for other commissioner representatives from all county districts to express actionable recommendations for countywide economic development.  The goal is to complete a comprehensive report of actionable recommendations by 04 Oct, which would then be presented to the EDC and to the full Commission in their 21 October meeting; the work group will be dissolved after submission of the report.  Since the key tasks are extensive that deadline could be extended if necessary to complete the report, but the 4 October date is the primary goal at this time.  Those key task areas are: Business Attraction & Retention; Business & Industrial Diversification; Workforce Development; Existing Infrastructure Challenges; Interstate Corridor Potential; Sustainment of Agricultural Enterprises; Support for Small and Medium Enterprises; and Tourism Enhancements.  The CE mentioned that elements of the report may be incorporated as part of the county’s strategic plan.  He mentioned that whatever initiatives are eventually recommended, that each should identify the funding source and the joint partnerships necessary to implement. 

Prior to electing a Chair for the Group, several commissioners addressed problems in their districts, specifically water available to all.  The CE then asked if there were any public comments, and there being none, nominations for Chair were requested.  A motion by Commissioner Judy Pruett, seconded by Commissioner Annelle Guthrie, was made to elect Commissioner Evan Baddour as Chair.  With no other nominations forthcoming, Commissioner Annelle Guthrie, seconded by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins, motioned for nominations to cease.  Commissioner Baddour was then elected unanimously to be Chair.  The Chair then noted he too was considering the water challenges for the county as well as the infrastructure for Exit 14, I-65.  He mentioned several solutions to consider, e.g., alternative sources for water; modular waste water treatment use; county owned property at that exit; and there being obstacles to each, but still worth considering.  A motion by Commissioner Joyce Woodard, seconded by Commissioner Evan Baddour, was made to elect Commissioner David Wamble as Vice Chair.  Motion for nominations to cease made by Commissioner Annelle Guthrie, seconded by Commissioner Judy Pruett, and was approved.  Commissioner David Wamble was then unanimously approved to be Vice Chair. 

The CE said for this meeting the objective was to elect the officers and outline a plan for systematically addressing the key tasks.  Commissioner Joyce Woodard asked about the mobile waste water treatment option and the CE said he had some information on that option.  Commissioner Erin Curry said the earlier review raised questions of who would operate a potential mobile unit and that couldn’t be county, under the Enterprise rules, it would have to be a utility.  Commissioner Woodard suggested since the Tarpley District was absorbed by the Southern Giles Water Utility District they might be interested.  Commissioner Gayle Jones said the water pressure was also an issue with the water lines being too small.  Since the Economic Director Phil Reese was also present, Commissioner Matt Rubelsky asked his recommendation on where this Group could start.  Mr. Reese discussed the county’s population not changing that much, other than getting older; that shows in workforce development participation (54%) which is below state and national; and that surrounding counties do show workforce growth.  Those factors affect some quality-of-life issues such as access to restaurants, shopping, noting leadership in several county industries do not live in Giles County.  He also mentioned discussions with the CE, with agreement that the county and the city/towns are need to be operated as a business; if infrastructure doesn’t yield revenues then additional infrastructure is unsustainable.  Commissioner Wamble mentioned looking at 2 – 3 of the key tasks per meeting, and not only bringing a problem but a proposed solution.  The Chair said several ideas floated, and the Group will think about partnerships, including some way to meet in the middle as well.  PILOT incentives were discussed by Commissioner Brad Butler and Director Phil Reese, with Commissioner Hopkins asking to be proactive rather than react to companies, i.e., do we approach companies rather than waiting for them to approach us.  Director Reese stated in the affirmative but it is on the margins.  That the county is promoting itself economically, leveraging UT Southern and TCAT in particular. There is also valuable data available based on user cell phone usage at geo fenced areas, e.g., Home Depot, that would provide useful information but that obtaining that data runs around $26K per year.  Commissioner Joyce Woodard discussed working with Pulaski for infrastructure for Exit 14, with some asking if Frankewing could be incorporated as a city (needs more population for that).  The CE reminded the Group to consider Ardmore, Lynnville and other municipalities, and the Director Phil Reese, mentioned the heirs for property at Exit 14 may have some changes.  The Chair asked Mr. Reese if there were any good ideas the Group might look into for housing.  Mr. Reese mentioned developers who have to spend on infrastructure would have a large asking price on homes which might not be received well so developers are reluctant to do development in such areas.  The Chair mentioned the recent cottages on Jefferson, and also in other locations people being evicted and relocating to tiny homes for residences.  Mr. Reese mentioned that people like to live with land, but you could put several homes on smaller pieces of land.  Commissioner Judy Pruett mentioned affordability as well, and Mr. Reese mentioned the median income in Giles County.  Land availability was discussed with noting Exit 1, Ardmore, has 20 acres, and Commissioner Curry mentioned 12 -14 acres at Exit 14 that would sell. The Chair then mentioned the septic issues at Exit 14.  When current stock market issues, dropping, the Chair asked does the recession open other opportunities.  The Chair also discussed the county’s approach to EMS employees as a model (pay education costs in keeping with remaining for some period of time) and Commissioner Brad Butler mentioned co-op actually working (gave personal example).  Commissioner Matthew Hopkins voiced “let’s pick 2 key tasks and prepare for those.”  The Chair said the topics are not equal, and based on the day’s discussions he was not prepared to pick the two at this time.  Commissioner David Wamble asked if speaker experts such as Mike Whitehead from TCAT, or Jessie Parker for Tourism or Kevin Rose for Ag could be invited.  Mr. Reese mentioned he was having a meeting with HR managers next week re the Workforce Development challenges.  The Chair said the group will meet several times, possible two times a month, with the next meeting scheduled for August 26th at 4 o’clock.  The specific agenda will be provided by email. 

A motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner David Wamble, seconded by Commissioner Matthew Hopkins, and was approved unanimously. 

Attendees:  Group Members – Chair Commissioner Evan Baddour, Other Commissioners David Wamble, Judy Pruett, Joyce Woodard, Matthew Hopkins, Annelle Guthrie, Brad Butler  Other Commissioners in attendance – David Adams, Tim Risner, Matt Rubelsky, Erin Curry, Gayle Jones, Terry Jones,  Others – County Executive Graham Stowe,  Director EDC Phil Reese,  Members of the public -Carmen Brown, Bill T. Young